Kenmore 790.7872 Range User Manual

General Care & Cleaning (cont'd)
Cleaning the ContouredWell Areas, Burner Cap, Burner Head and Burner Drip Pans (some models)
The contoured well areas, burner cap, burner head and burner drip pans (some models) should be routinely cleaned.
Keeping the burner ports clean will prevent improper ignitionand an uneven flame. Refer to the following instructions:
_ice i
Drip Pan
(on some models)
To Clean the Recessed and Contoured Areas of the Cooktop - If a spill occurs
on or in the recessed or contoured areas, blot up spill with an absorbent cloth.
Rinse with a clean, damp cloth and wipe dry.
To Remove and Replace the Surface Burner Caps and Surface Burner Heads
- Remove in the following order: (1st) surface burner grate, (2nd) surface burner
cap, (3rd) surface burner head and (4th) surface burner drip pan (if equipped).
Reverse the procedure above to replace the surface burner cap, surface burner
head and surface burner drip pans (if equipped). Do not remove any parts from
the cooktop until they have completely cooled and are safe to handle. Do not
operate the surface burners without the surface burner cap and surface
burner head properly in place.
To Clean the Surface Burner Cap, Surface Burner Head and Surface Burner
Drip Pan (if equipped) - Use a soap-filled scouring pad or a mild abrasive
cleanser to clean the surface burner caps, surface burner heads and surface
burner drip pans (if equipped). The ports (or slots) around the burner head must be
routinely cleaned. If residue still remains in these ports, use a small-gauge wire or
needle to clean the slots or holes. For proper flow of gas and ignition of the
ALWAYS keep the surface burner cap and surface burner head in place whenever
a surface burner is in use.
Adjusting the Oven Temperature
Your oven control has been precisely set at the factory. This setting may differ from your previous oven however, so your recipe
times may not give you the results you expect. If you think that the oven is cooking too hot or too cool for your recipe times,
you can adjust the control so that the oven cooks hotter or cooler than the temperature displayed.
To Adjust Oven Temperature:
1. Press B_ke.
2. Set the temperature to 550°F (287°C) by pressing and holding the A.
3. Within 2 seconds, press and hold _ until the 2 digit display appears. Release _. The display now indicates the amount
of degrees offset between the original factory temperature setting and the current temperature setting. Ifthe oven control
has the original factory calibration, the display will read "0."
4. Thetemperaturecann_wbeadjustedup_rd_wn35°F(17°c)_in5°Fstepsbypressingandh_ldingthe A or V.Adjust
until the desired amount of offset appears inthe display. When lowering the oven temperature, a minus sign (-) will appear
before the number to indicate that the oven will be cooler by the displayed amount of degrees.
5. When you have made the desired adjustment, press _ to go back to the time of day display.
Note: Oven temperature adjustments made will not change the Self-Cleaning feature temperature.