Kenmore 911.94759 Dishwasher User Manual

Baking results win be better if baking
pans are centered in the oven as
much as possible. If baking with
more than one pan, place the pans
so each has at least 1 to 11/2"of air
space around it_ If baking four cake
layers at the same time, place two
layers on rack 2 and two layers on
rack 4. Stagger pans on the rack so
one is not directly above the other
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sides, allow air to circulate all around
the cookies for even browning.
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SHINY PANS reflect heat and are
perfect for cakes and quick breads
that need a light brown crust.
absorbs heat and can be used for
yeast breads, pie crust, or foods
that need a brown crust. The oven
temperature should be reduced
by 25°F.
The Oven Temperature Sensor
continuously senses and controls
the temperature inside the oven. To
keep a constant set temperature, the
elements will cycle (turn on and off
during cooking).
The oven racks are designed with
stops, a convenience as well as a safety
precaution The guides have a bump to
prevent the racks from tilting when they
are pulled out of the oven This design
allows the racks to be inserted in only
one way.
Bump in J_ tll
ookG ido Ill
Your oven has six (6) rack positions
The top position is only a guide It
cannot be used as a rack position.
6 6
5.- 5
4 4
3 3
Always place oven racks in the
proper position while oven is cool.
CAUTION: When you are using the rack
in the lowest position (1), you will need
to use caution when pulling the rack
out. We recommend that you pull the
rack out several inches and then, using
two pothoiders, pull the rack out by
holding the sides of it. The rack is low
and you could be burned if you place
your hand in the middle of the rack and
pull all the way ouL Be very careful not
to burn your hand on the door when
using a rack in the lowest position (1)