This section describes the Maintenance Mode and key sequences for entry into this mode
for the B150 Brewer.
Maintenance Mode Layout
Entry: From STANDBY, press all 4 corners of the touchscreen (Upper Left/Right and
Lower Left/Right in any order) within 3 seconds, – releasing after each touch
1. Screen 1 – “Software Version” (e.g. “ v8.25”)
2. Screen 2 – “Total Brew Count” (Max = 999,999 [25 x
– “Postfill Timeouts” (Max = 65535)
– “Add2 Timeout s” (Max = 65535)
3. Screen 3 – “Add4 Timeout s” (Max = 65535)
– “Add6 Timeout s” (Max = 65535)
– “Add8 Timeout s” (Max = 65535)
4. Screen 4 – “Dispense Timeouts” (Max = 65535)
– “Over-Pressure Events” (Max = 65535)
– “Top of Tank Events” (Max = 65535)
5. Screen 5 – “Run Hours” (Max = 999,999 [114
– “4 oz Brew Count” (Max = 65535)
– “6 oz Brew Count” (Max = 65535)
6. Screen 6 – “8 oz Brew Count” (Max = 65535)
– “10 oz Brew Count” (Max = 65535)
– “12 oz Brew Count” (Max = 65535)
7. Screen 7 – (Buttons control Opening/Closing the Valve)
Brew Button = Cont.
8. Screen 8 – (Buttons control Turning Pump On/Off)
Brew Button = Cont.
9. Screen 9 – “Brew Pump”
“Vent Valves”
(Buttons control Brew Pump On/Off & Opening/Closing the
10. Screen 10 – Touchscreen Calibration
– Press Brew button to exit OR touch display to start calibration.
– IF Cal Passes, exit. If it fails, give another opportunity to try
11. – Exit back to the Standby State
• Progress from screen to screen using the flashing Brew Button