For new Installations:
‘Note: 24” min. vhn
ElectrIcal Shock Hazard
It IS the cuslomer’s responslblllly:
. To contact a qualllled eleclrlcal Installer.
. To assure that the elecLrlcal lnslallatlon
Is adequate and In conlormance wllh
Nallonal Elecirlcal Code, ANSUNFPA
70-latest edlllon”, and all local codes
and ordinances.
Failure lo do so could result In eleclrlcal
shock or other personal Injury.
Personal Injury Hazard
Cabinet storage above Ihe cooklng surface
should be avolded. If cablnels are already
Insialled, reduce the hazard of reaching
over a heated cooking surlace by Installing
a range hood.
The range hood should exlend a minlmum
of 5 Inches out trom the bottom from 01
the cabinels.
Reaching over a heated cooking surlace
could result In a serious burn.
Copies of the slandards listed may be
obtained from:
‘* Nallonal Fire Prolecllon As~oclallon
Banerymarch Park
Qulncy, Massachusetts 02269
Before you start...
Proper installation is your responsibility.
Make sure you have everyihing necessary
lor correct installation. II is Ihe responsibility
01 the installer lo comply wiih Ihe installation
clearance specilied on Ihe serial/rating plate.
The serialfraling plate is located on the
bolrom ol (he cooktop.
Check locatlon where cooktop will be
inslalled. The location should be away lrom
strong dratt areas, such as windows, doors
and slrong heating vents or tans. The
cooklop should be located for convenienl
use in the kitchen.
Grounded electrlcal outlet is required.
See Electrical requirements.
Counterlop openlng dlmenslons thal are
shown musl be used. Given dimensions are
minimum clearances and provide required
0” clearance.
NOTE: Clearances specilied are for
combustzble walls and materials that have a
densitv of 20 or more oounds oer cubic 1001.
No evaluation 01 clearances his been made
lor installalions adjacent lo malerials lhal
are less lhan 20 pounds per cu. Ii. or lo
plastic liles and sheetmg.
New lnslallallons - Follow minimum
dimensions given.
Replacement lnslallalions - Be sure lhal
lront edge 01 cooklop is at least l-112” back
horn Iron! edge of counleriop.
Observe all governing codes and
ordinances. Failure to meet codes and
ordinances could lead lo fire or
eleclrlcal shock.
30” min. base cabinet Is required. II cabinet
has a drawer, a 3’deplh clearance Irom lhe
counlerlop lo Ihe top of the drawer (or other
obslruclion) in base cabinet is required.
Tools needed
for installation:
Panel A