
Operating Your Coffee Maker
3. After setting the brew time, press
the Set (Program) Button to exit the
program-setting mode. The Coffee
Maker will automatically record the
displayed brew time and exit the
program-setting mode if no buttons
are pressed for 10 seconds.
4. Fill the Coffee Maker with coffee
and fresh water, then activate the
automatic brew timer by pressing the
Auto On Button. The programmed
brew time will appear briefly on the
brew timer display before it returns
to the time-of-day, and the Auto On
indicator will illuminate.
5. The Coffee Maker will begin brewing
at the programmed time.
6. Each time you want the Coffee Maker
to brew at the programmed time,
activate the automatic brew timer
by pressing the Auto On Button. The
Coffee Maker will always default to
the last brew time set.
NOTE: To cancel automatic brewing,
deactivate the brew timer by pressing the
Auto On Button. When deactivated, the
Auto On indicator light will go out.
If program time has not been set prior
to pressing Auto On button, the coffee
maker will enter program set mode (see
“Using the Automatic Brew Timer” on
page 10).
Calcium deposits (“scale”) from water will
build up in the Coffee Maker heat pump
over time and impair brewing efficiency
and coffee quality. When the Coffee
Maker detects a build-up of scale, the
cleaning needed indicator will light after
a brewing cycle is complete. Once this
occurs, descaling should be done as soon
as possible to preserve the performance
and life of your Coffee Maker. Please see
page 12 for descaling steps.
Coffee Brewing Suggestions:
Advice for Great Taste
Fresh Coffee Beans
Truly great coffee can only come from
fresh coffee beans. To preserve the
freshness of your coffee beans, keep the
beans in an opaque, air-tight container
and store them in a cool, dry place.
Refrigeration is not recommended, as
condensation tends to form on the
beans whenever the container is opened.
Freezing can help preserve beans stored
for an extended period, but it will also
impair the flavor.
The Right Grind
The best cup of coffee comes from
coffee beans that are properly ground
just before brewing. Grinders like the
Blade Coffee Grinder, Pro Line
Series Burr Coffee Mill, or the KitchenAid
Model A-9
Coffee Mill offer excellent
results. When grinding, be sure to grind
your coffee to a medium grind level – the
appropriate grind for automatic drip
coffee makers.
The Proper Amount
of Ground Coffee
A good starting point is one scoop
of coffee for every cup of brew water
marked on the carafe or the water filter
guide. Finer grinds usually require less
coffee, but may also produce bitterness
and clog the filter.