W10737947B 10/14
The KST4054 Stir Tower works like your own personal sous chef to help keep things
moving, no matter what you are cooking.
For more information on getting the most from your Stir-Tower, see the included
Instructions, or visit www.KitchenAid.com/quickstart.
Setting Speed RPMs Duration Optimal for:
O OFF –– –– ––
1 LOW 20 Constant ON Risotto, soups, stir-fry
2 MEDIUM 45 Constant ON Hot cereals, sauces
3 HIGH 75 Constant ON Puddings, yogurt
LOW 20 ON for 15
seconds every
2 minutes
Searing and sauteeing
LOW 20 ON for 1 minute
every 20 minutes
Slow cooking and stews
Use the ip-and-stir wand to prepare
foods and ingredients such as onions,
carrots, broccoli, potato (cubed), meatballs
(2-3 oz./40-60 g each), small to medium
shrimp, and sliced or cubed meats
and poultry.
Use the side scraper attachment
together with the ip-and-stir
wand when preparing soups,
stews, and sauces, or larger
quantities, to help circulate
ingredients thoroughly.