KitchenAid KUIA15RRL Ice Maker User Manual

Service/Clean Mode (50 Min., 30 Sec.)
The control checks
the bin thermistor
Water Valve &
Cleaning LED on
(5 seconds)
5 seconds have elapsed
Condenser Fan &
Cleaning LED on
(5 seconds)
Hot Gas Valve &
Cleaning LED on
(5 seconds)
5 seconds have elapsed
Recirc. Pump &
Cleaning LED on
(5 seconds)
Compressor on &
Cleaning LED on
(5 seconds)
5 seconds have elapsed
5 seconds have elapsed
5 seconds have elapsed
Check evap.
Bin thermistor
is sensed
Evap. thermistor
is sensed
(2 seconds)
Evap. thermistor
is not sensed
The bin thermistor
is not sensed
The “Cleaning” LED
flashes off/on for
five 1 second flashes
The “Cleaning” LED
flashes off/on for
two 1 second flashes
(2 seconds)
Enter diagnostics
(Clean is selected)
Recirc. Pump,
Compressor, Hot Gas
Valve are energized
(20 minutes)
Water Valve is
(3 minutes)
20 minutes have elapsed
Recirc. Pump is
(3 minutes)
Turn ALL
components OFF
Clean LED stays on until
manually turned off
3 minutes
have elapsed
5 valve/pump
3 minutes
have elapsed
In this section the water
valve/pump sequence
will repeat 5 times.
(30 minutes)
Clean Mode (50 minutes): The Clean switch is continually
checked, and may be selected at any time.
NOTE: At the end of the Clean cycle, the unit will stay OFF.
The reservoir must be drained prior to restarting the unit.
Clean Mode begins