A. Steam knob (5) must be closed!
B. Coffee/ready switch (9) should be in the up (off) position.
C. Steam switch (12) should be in the down (on) position.
Wait until the coffee/ ready switch (9) illuminates. This will take about 1 minute.
The machine is now ready to produce steam to froth milk.
E. Turn the cappuccino knob ½ turn and quickly bleed (1 to 2 seconds) the water
out of the spout into the drip tray or cup, then close.
F. Place the cup of milk under the steam spout. Immerse the steam spout (6) into
the pitcher or cup until the raised line circling the spout touches the milk surface,
about 1/2 inch below the surface.Turn the steam knob (5) 2 full turns for max-
imum steam pressure. Important:
Turn off the steam switch.
As the froth rises slowly lower the cup, always staying even with the top of the
milk surface. Adjust the pressure of the steam via the steam knob. Close the knob
before removing cup as not to make a mess.
Water is now entering the filter basket, allow the coffee to flow from the
group. When the cup or cups are half filled, turn off the coffee switch (9) and let
the handle drain, then remove the handle by turning to the left. Remove the
handle and clean before reusing.
Caution: Allow the handle to flow freely of any excess coffee before removing!
Using your machine with pre-packaged coffee pods:
You la Pavoni machine is designed to make espresso using ground coffee or
packaged "pods"
To make espresso using ground coffee refer to page 3.
To make espresso using a coffee pod refer to the below directions.
Remove the large coffee filter from the filter holder and replace, as noted below
Insert in order:
1. Rubber filter. Circle pattern facing down, indentation facing up.
2. Small stainless steel basket
3. Place a coffee pod in the basket.
4. Insert the filter handle into the coffee group. You may now follow the directions
under Page 3, paragraph 3.
3. C A P P U C C IN O D E L IV E R
Your la Pavoni machine is designed to froth cappuccino two ways, via the plated
steam spout attached to the machine or the Cappuccino Automatic attachment lo-
cated in the accessoory/parts box.
Frothing when using the plated steam spout:
You may use a stainless steel frothing pitcher or a cup made of glass, porcelain
or ceramic to froth. Fill your cup ¾ full with milk. Whole milk works best but you
may also use 2% or 1%.