Lang Manufacturing LG-72 XL-24 Griddle User Manual

LG Griddle:
Whole griddle will not heat
Confirm that Circuit breakers are on.
Confirm that griddle is connected properly.
One Section will not heat
Confirm that elements have power.
Confirm that thermostat is operating properly.
LGS Griddle
Whole Griddle will not heat
Confirm that incoming power is correct.
Confirm that power switch is operating properly.
Confirm that Transformer is operating properly.
One section will not heat
Check Probe for normal operation.
Check contactor for normal operation. (24 VAC, 11)
Confirm that board heat call light (amber light) is on.
If no amber light is detected:
Check for 24 VAC across pins 9 and 7.
If voltage is not present:
Check wiring from transformer.
If voltage is present:
Check 12-position switch.
Confirm that probe is operating.
If amber light is detected:
Check for 24 VAC across pins 6 and 8.
If 24 VAC is not present:
Replace Circuit board.
If 24 VAC is present:
Check door switch for normal operation.