Meats Cuts to Select Preparation Test for
Beef Lean cuts: Cook as for pot roast, until tender. Chill. Remove Brittle
Round, rump, all fat. Cut into cubes or strips.
Season, if desired.
Chicken or White meat Cook by steaming or roasting. Chill. Remove fat and Hard
Turkey skin. Cut or break into pieces or cubes ½” thick,
2” long. Season if desired.
Bass, haddock Brittle
pike, snapper, pieces about 2” square, not thicker than ½”. Must
halibut, cod, not contain bones or skins. May be sprinkled wth
paprika, salt, pepper, onion and garlic powder or
sole, whiting other spices before drying.
Jerky is the only meat to be placed uncooked in the dehydrator. Your L’EQUIP
Expandable Dehydrator quickly turns thin strips of seasoned meat into a
hearty snack. It is recommended that pork not be dried for jerky, as the
drying temperature is not high enough to kill harmful bacteria.
• It is essential when working with raw meats to keep working conditions
clean. Wash hands thoroughly each time you touch another item. Make
sure all surfaces and utensils are washed completely.
1½” thick.
For easier cutting, place meat on bottom of freezer for about 30 minutes to
partially freeze. Turn over and freeze 15 more minutes. Cut across the grain into
strips about
/8” thick.
spoilage. Most barbecue marinades may be used, as long as they contain no oil.
Adding lemon juice to the marinade will help preserve redness. Vinegar added
to a marinade will soften the wild taste of game meats.