2-5. Defrosting failure
Problems Causes Checks Measures Remarks
No defrosting. Heater does not generate heat as 1. Check the resistance of heater. Heating wire is short and wire is cut. Seal the lead wire with
the heating wire is cut or the circuit 0Ω: Short. ∞Ω: Cut. • Parts replacement: Refer to parts insulation tape and heat
is shorted. Tens to thousands Ω: OK. explanations. contraction tube if the cut
1) Heating wire is damaged when 2. Check the resistance between lead wire is accessible to
inserting into the evaporator. housing terminal and heater repair.
2) Lead wire of heater is cut. surface.
3) Heating wire at lead wire contacts 0Ω: Short. ∞Ω: Cut.
is cut. Tens to thousands Ω: Short.
Sucking duct and discharging hole 1. Confirm foreign materials. In case 1) Push out impurities by inserting
are clogged: of ice, insert the copper line copper wire.(Turn off more than
1. Impurities. through the hole to check. 3hours and pour in hot water if
2. Ice. 2. Put hot water into the drain frost is severe.)
(check drains outside). 2) Put in hot water to melt down frost.
3) Check the water outlet.
4) Push the heater plate to sucking
duct manually and assemble the
disconnected parts.
Gap between Sucking duct and 1. Confirm in the Sucking duct. 1) Turn off the power, confirm
Heater plate(Ice in the gap). impurities and ice in the gap, and
supply hot water until the ice in the
gap melts down.
2) Push the Heater plate to drain
bottom with hand and assemble
the disconnected parts.
Wrong heater rating (or wrong 1. Check heater label. Faults:replace.
assembly). 2. Confirm the capacity after - How to replace: Refer to main parts.
substituting the resistance value
into the formula.
(V: Rated voltage of user country)
(R: Resistance of tester[Ω])
Compare P and lavel capacity.
Tolerance: ±7%
P= ––