Master Cookware 3005G Oven User Manual

Holes in Burner
Care and Maintenance
burner. Try cleaningthe burner surfaceand the
holes toimprove theflames. Bad flamesmay alsobe causedby poor HVR-to-venturi
attachment.Alwayslet thesmoker cool beforecleaning orchecking theassembly.
To protect yoursmoker fromweather,always keep yoursmoker coveredwhile
not inuse.
To obtain replacementparts oraccessories, callour toll-free customer
service line:
: All care and maintenance procedures are to be performed only while the smoker is turned off and cooled.
Clean the water bowl andcooking grids with hot, soapy water. Rinse and dry thoroughly. You may prefer to coat the water bowland cooking grids
lightlywith cookingoilorcooking spray.
Frequently checkand cleanthe venturiand burnerfor insectsand insectnests.Acloggedtube canlead tofire outsidethe smoker.Alsomake sure
thesmoker doesnothaveany foreignobjectsobstructing theflowofcombustion andventilationair.
To clean the inside and outside of the smoker cabinet, simply use a damp cloth. Spray-washing with a water hose is not recommended. All
moistureshould bewiped awayand notallowed tostandinside oron topof thesmoker.Carefully removethe greasepan, disposethegrease, and
washthoroughly. Oncecleaned,you mayprefertolightly coattheinterior ofthesmokercabinet withcookingoil orcookingspray.
Ifrust ispresentonthe exteriorsurfaceof thesmoker, cleantheareawith steelwoolor emeryclothanduse heavyduty,heat resistantpaint.
NEVER apply additional paint to the interior of the smoker. If rust is present on the interior of the smoker, clean it thoroughly with steel wool or
emerycloth andlightlycoatthe areawithcooking oilorcookingspray tohelpminimize recurringrust.
Whenan LPtankisnotconnected, andtohelp preventdirtorother foreignparticlesfrom clogging
theHVR, hangtheendof theHVRhose fromthesidehandle usingthesupplied S-hook.
Inspectthe flamesattheburner bylookingthrough thefrontaccesshole.Agoodflameshould
beblue withayellowtip 1”to2” inlength.Ifflames areexcessivelyyellow andirregular, oilresidue
andfood depositsmaybecollecting onthe
If your heat indicator seems to be out of calibration: Remove the heat indicator from the door of the smoker by loosening and removing the
mounting nut from the inside. There is a second nut mounted on the back of the heat indicator that can be turned to adjust the heat indicator
needle.Set theneedletothe currentoutdoorambient temperatureandre-mountthe heatindicatorto thedoorofthe smoker.
Use caution when lifting and moving the smoker to avoid strains or back injury. 2 people are recommended to lift or
DO NOT store the smoker near gasoline or other combustible liquids or where combustible vapors may be present.
DO NOT store this smoker in an area accessible to children or pets. Store the smoker in a dry, protected location.
DO NOT allow anyone to conduct activities around the smoker following use until it has cooled. It is hot during operation
DO NOT leave hot ashes unattended until the smoker cools completely.
This smoker becomes extremely hot - allow the smoker to cool completely before handling. If you must handle the
Dispose of cold ashes by wrapping them in heavy duty aluminum foil and putting them in a noncombustible container. Be
sure there are no other combustible materials in or near the container.
If you must dispose of the ashes in less time than it takes for them to completely cool, remove the ashes from the smoker,
keeping them in heavy duty foil, and soak them completely with water before disposing of them in a noncombustible
the smoker.
the area around the smoker clear and free of combustible materials and vapors.
and remains hot for a period of time following use.
while it is hot, ALWAYS wear protective oven mitts or heat resistant gloves when handling the smoker or its components.
Allow the smoker to cool before removing and cleaning the grease pan.
After Use Safety and Maintenance