
Your new rcfrigcrator has two controls: one for the refrigerator compartment and one t_r the freezer compartment.
These controls are located at the top, rear of the refrigerator compartment.
Initial Setting of Controls ADJUSTING THE
Freezer Control: This cuntrol has settings fi'om A
(warmest) to G (coldest) Initially set this control to D. I NTE RI O R
Sure-Loci( Shelves
NOTE: Tile coldest freezer setting (G) is recom-
mended for short term use only. The refrigerator shelves are adjustable, allowing you to
arrange the shelxing to fit your famil>'s tbod storage
Refrigerator Control; This control has settings from needs. Never attempt to adjust a shelf that is
1 (warmest) to I1 (coldest). Initially set this control luaded with food.
to 6. The refrigerator luay run for several hours when
you first start it. This is normal. To remove the refrigerator shelf:
Let the refrigerator run at least 8 to 12 hours 1. Grasp the shelf at the front with one hand and pnsh
before adding food. A day or so after adding tbod, up under the shelf back with the other hand.
you may decide one or both compartments should be 9. Lili the shelf straight ont.
colder or warmer. If so, adjnst the control(s) as instruct-
ed below. __
Adjusting the Temperature Controls ; ;
Except when starting the refrigerator, do not change
either control more than one number or letter at
a time. Allow 24 hours for the temperatnre to stabilize
before resetting. Chang ne, ether co atrol _ fll have some
effect on the temperature of the other compartment.
Freezer too warm--Tnrn tim freezer control to the
succeeding letter. For example, turn the control from
D to E. To replace the refrigerator shelf:
Freezer too cold--Turn the freezer control to the
preceding letter. For example, tnrn the control from 1. Keeping tile shelf horizontal, guide the three support
D to C. tabs into the slots in the shelf supports at the rear of
the cabinet.
Refrigerator too warul Turn the refrigerator con-
trol to the next higher number. For example, tunl the '2. Lower the shelf until the tabs lock into position.
control fi'om 6 to 7. Make sure the shelf is securely locked into position
Refrigerator too cold--Turn the refrigerator con- before loading it with fixed.
trol to the next lower number. For example turn the
control fi'om 6 to 5. Easy-Glide Shelves
Grasp tile: front edge of the shelf and pull fonvard. Push
Warm Cabinet Surfaces i,_ shelf to return to the original position•
Some portions of the cabinet may be warm to the
touch. This is a normal function of the refrigerator
which helps prevent moisture fi'om condensing on the
cabinet. This condition will be inure noticeable when
you first start your refi'igerator, during hot weather and
after excessive or lengthy door ot)enings.