Water hardness
The steam oven is set at the factory to water hardness setting
IV (Very hard 4). You can set the steam oven for the water
hardness level in your area.
You can use the test strip supplied to check the water
hardness level, or your local water supplier will be able to
advise you on the water hardness of your area.
The water hardness is shown as settings I to IV equivalent to
the German scale 1 to >21 °dH (0.2 >3.8 mmol/l).
Hardness level Hardness range Setting
I 1-7 °dH
(0.2-1.3 mmol/l)
Soft 1
II 8-14 °dH
(1.4-2.5 mmol/l)
Medium 2
III 15-21 °dH
(2.7-3.8 mmol/l)
Hard 3
IV >21 °dH (above
3.8 mmol/l)
Very hard 4
The contrast and brightness can be adjusted.
The volume of the buzzer and also the keypad tone which
sounds each time a sensor is touched can be altered. The
keypad tone can also be switched off.
Once the setting under "System lock" has been changed to
"Permitted", you will be able to activate the system lock to
prevent the steam oven being switched on unintentionally, by
children for example.