Morphy Richards 48746 Rice Cooker User Manual

UUKK HHeellpplliinnee 00884444 887711 00995566 RReeppllaacceemmeenntt PPaarrttss 00884444 887733 00772222 IIrreellaanndd HHeellpplliinnee 11880000 440099 111199
9 Food left to keep warm should
not be allowed to dry out and
should be stirred occasionally,
otherwise it may burn and
stick to the bowl. Never leave
the cooker on keep warm for
more than two hours.
10 Carefully lift the lid and allow
any condensation to drip into
the cooker. Use the spatula to
fluff up the rice. Replace the
lid as quickly as possible.
Consume the stirred rice
within 1 hour. Small quantities
(3 to 4 cups) should be
consumed immediately.
11 Switch off at the mains and
unplug the mains cable.
Remove the bowl to serve the
Never take the bowl out of the
cooker when it is filled with
We do not recommend
cooking packet type savoury
Cooking pasta
1 Use the measuring beaker
provided to measure the
pasta, filling level to the top.
As a guide, 2 or 3 cups of
pasta is sufficient for one
person, but this will vary
according to individual taste.
2 For best results when cooking
pasta, fit the special pasta pad
3 Transfer the pasta to the inner
bowl and level the surface. The
markings on the inside of the
bowl are for measuring the
amount of water and are given
in litres and cups. Add water
to the corresponding level
marked on the inside of the
bowl. For example, to cook 6
cups of pasta, place the pasta
into the inner bowl and then fill
with water up to the six cup
Minimum capacity is 4 cups,
maximum is 10 cups.
Never fill with water straight
from the tap, use the
measuring beaker.
IMPORTANT: Do not fill above
the top level indicated.
4 Place the inner bowl in the
cooker, ensuring that there is
no pasta or any moisture on
the outside of the bowl.
5 Cover with the lid, ensuring
that the vent hole in the lid is
situated away from you.
6 Plug the cooker into the power
supply. The amber pilot light
will light up.
7 Press down the switch and the
cooker will start. The blue light
will come on and the amber
light will go off.
Note: During cooking, it is
normal for the lid to rise up
slightly and water to bubble
around the edge.
8 For all types of pasta, we
recommend that you follow the
cooking time on the packet
plus a further 10 minutes. At
the end of the cooking time,
you can switch the cooker to
‘keep warm’ if required. The
blue light will go out and the
amber light will go on to
indicate keep warm.
9 Carefully lift the lid and allow
any condensation to drip into
the cooker. Use the spatula to
stir the pasta which is then
ready to eat. Replace the lid as
quickly as possible if leaving
on keep warm. Consume the
pasta within 1 hour.
10 Switch off at the mains and
unplug the mains cable.
Remove the bowl to serve the
Never take the bowl out of the
cooker when it is filled with
Tips for best
cooking results
Make sure that the rice and
pasta is spread over the whole
surface of the bowl to ensure
even cooking.
You may find that for your own
personal taste, you need to
slightly adjust the amount of
water added. For a softer rice
or pasta, add a little more
water, and for a firmer rice or
pasta, a little less water.
The cooking times may vary
according to the quantity and
type of rice or pasta cooked.
A thin crust of rice may form
on the base, particularly when
cooking Italian or easy-cook
type rice, or when cooking
smaller quantities. Wiping half
a teaspoon of oil over the base
may help reduce this forming,
but this occurrence is not
always preventable.
48746 MUK Rev1 18/7/08 16:05 Page 4