Table 7. Engine Troubleshooting
Symptom Possible Problem Solution
Difficult to start
Fuel is available but spark plug will not
ignite. (Power available at high tension
Ignition plug being bridge? Check ignition system.
Carbon deposit at ignition? Clean or replace ignition.
Short circuit due to defective insulators? Replace insulators.
Improper spark gap?
Set spark plug gap to the
correct gap.
Fuel is available but spark plug will not
ignite. (Power NOT available at high
tension cable).
Short circuit at stop switch?
Check stop switch circuit.
Replace stop switch if defective.
Ignition coil defective? Replace ignition coil.
Fuel is available and spark plug ignites
(compression normal).
Muffler clogged with carbon deposits? Clean or replace muffler.
Mixed fuel quality is inadequate? Check fuel to oil mixture.
Fuel in use inadequate (water, dust)?
Flush fuel system and replace
with fresh fuel.
Air Cleaner clogged? Clean or replace air cleaner.
Fuel is available and spark plug ignites
(compression low).
Defective cylinder head gasket?
Tighten cylinder head bolts or
replace head gasket.
Cylinder worn? Replace cylinder.
Spark plug loose? Tighten spark plug.
Operation not satisfactory
Not enough power available
(compression normal, no miss-firing).
Air cleaner clogged? Clean or replace air cleaner.
Air in fuel line? Bleed (remove air) from fuel line.
Fuel level in carburetor float chamber
Adjust carburetor float.
Carbon deposits in cylinder? Clean or replace cylinder.
Not enough power available
(compression normal, miss-firing).
Ignition coil defective?
Flush fuel system and replace
with fresh fuel.
Ignition plug often shorts?
Replace ignition wires, clean
Fuel in use inadequate (water, dust)?
Flush fuel system and replace
with fresh fuel.
Engine overheats.
Excessive carbon deposition in
combustion chamber?
Clean or replace crankcase.
Exhaust or muffler clogged with carbon. Clean or replace muffler.
Spark plug heat value incorrect?
Replace spark plug with correct
type spark plug.