Wash the beaters before and after use. Rinse and dry. Beaters may be washed in a dishwasher. After
removing cord from electrical outlet, clean mixer head with a damp cloth and wipe dry. DO NOT
IMMERSE MIXER IN WATER. Avoid the use of abrasive cleaners that will mar the finish of your mixer.
The motor of your mixer has been carefully lubricated at the factory and does not require any additional
Coil the electrical cord of the hand mixer with a plastic twist fastener. Store the mixer on its heel rest in
a clean, dry location such as a cabinet or shelf. Store beaters in a drawer.
Other than the recommended cleaning, no further user maintenance should be necessary. If for any
reason your hand mixer should require
do not try to fix it yourself. Send it to the Sunbeam
Appliance Service Station.
These delicious recipes from Gold Medal Flour were especially developed for the
Designer Hand Mixer.
Tropical Toffee Bars
cup stick) margarine or butter, softened
cup shortening
cup packed brown sugar
cup Gold Medal@ all-purpose flour
Macadamia-Coconut Topping (below)
Heat oven to 350”. Beat margarine, shortening and brown sugar in medium bowl on medium speed
until thoroughly mixed. Beat in flour until blended. Press dough in bottom of ungreased rectangular
inches. Bake 10 minutes. Spread with topping. Bake 25 minutes longer or until topping
is golden brown; cool slightly. Cut into 3x1 -inch bars. 32 bars.
Macadamia Coconut lopping
1 cup packed brown sugar
teaspoon vanilla
2 tablespoons Gold Medal all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
teaspoon salt
1 cup chopped macadamia nuts
1 cup shredded coconut
Beat eggs in medium bowl on medium speed. Beat in remaining ingredients on low speed.
High Altitude Directions
feet): Increase first bake time to 12 minutes. Decrease the
1 cup brown sugar in Macadamia Coconut Topping to cup.