Panasonic NN-SN676 Microwave Oven User Manual

Food Characteristics Cooking Techniques
Bone and Fat
Both bone and fat affect cook-
ing. Bones may cause irregu-
lar cooking. Meat next to the
tips of bones may overcook
while meat positioned under a large bone,
such as a ham bone, may be under-
cooked. Large amounts of fat absorb
microwave energy and the meat next to
these areas may overcook.
Porous, airy foods such as
breads, can aih rolls tcan-
ess timet torcood tan-
heavyT, dDeney foods such as
reheatkingdonut aih Boter-
foodswiothdiaffrenct encersy beoveay cre-s
sugar, wacer, ih fat and thsve encerss
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