Tuna toasts
Lightly toast the bread in a toaster (or 2-3 min using Grill 1 on the wire
rack)� Drain the tuna and mix together all the other ingredients in a
bowl� Season the mixture and spread evenly onto the toasts� Place 2
toasts on the wire rack and cook for approx 3 min with Combi 1 then
add a further 2 min� using Grill 1� Cook the other 2 toasts using the
same method�
4 large slices of bread
2 tbsp capers
2 tbsp chopped parsley
5 tbsp (70 g) mayonnaise
50 g grated cheese
200 g tuna in brine
Dish: 1 bowl
1 duck fillet (350 g - 400 g)
1 shallot chopped
1 tbsp honey
2 tbsp vinegar
50 ml chicken stock
50 ml orange juice
Cornflour (thickening agent)
Dish: 1 bowl
& Panacrunch pan
Duck Fillet in orange sauce
Preheat the greased Panacrunch pan on Max for 3 min� Place the
duck llet skin side down. Cook on Combi 1 for 5-6 min, draining the
fat and turning over after 3 min. Season and wrap the llet in foil and
set aside� Add the vinegar to the pan to help loosen the cooking juices,
pour into a bowl with the shallot and honey� Cook on Max for 1 min
then add stock and orange juice� Reduce the sauce by cooking on
Max for 3-4 min, thicken with 1 tsp of cornour and season to taste.
Add the juices from the llet to the sauce before serving.
100 g chocolate for cooking
100 g butter
100 g brown sugar
100 g flour
50 g walnuts chopped
2 tbs cocoa powder
1 tsp of baking powder
1 sachet of vanilla sugar
2 eggs beaten
Dish: 16 X 20 cm Pyrex
dish lined with
greaseproof paper
Boston brownies
Place chocolate and butter in a bowl and cook on 600 W for 2 min�
or until chocolate has melted� Stir in all the other ingredients and beat
well. Pour into dish and cook about 6 min on Combi 1 or until rm;
Allow to cool before cutting into squares�