Samsung RB195ACBP Refrigerator User Manual

Safety Information
4_ Safety Information
Never use gas pipes, telephone lines or other potential lightning attractors as an electrical
• Improperuseofthegroundingplugcanresultinariskofelectricshock.Ifitisnecessarytousean
extension cord to power the Refrigerator, use only a 3-wire extension cord that has a 3-blade ground plug
and a 3-slot receptacle that will accept the plug on the appliance. The marked rating of the extension
cord should be AC 115V~120V, 10A, or more. Additionally, if a grounding adapter is used, make sure the
receptacle box is also fully grounded.
The Refrigerator must be safely grounded
• AlwaysmakesurethatyouhavegroundedtheRefrigeratorbeforeattemptingtoinvestigateorrepairany
part of the appliance. Power leakages can cause severe electric shock.
The appliance must have sufficient space around it. (Refer to page 10 for the best location.)
• Whenrefrigerantleaks,itispossibletocauseareorexplosion.
The appliance must be positioned for easy access to power source.
The appliance must be placed on the level surface of hard material.
• Placingonanunlevelsurfacemaycauseittotipover,resultingininjuryorpropertydamage.
Do not use casters under the Refrigerator on a surface that is easily damaged.
• WhenmovingtheRefrigerator,spreadoutaprotectorsuchascardboardcartonundertheRefrigerator.
(Refer to page 10 for flooring.)
Do not install the Refrigerator in a damp place or place where it may come in contact with
• Wetand/ordeterioratedinsulationoftheinternalelectricalpartsmaycauseelectricshockorre.
Do not place the refrigerator directly in sunlight.
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