Be{ore You Call {or Service
Savetimeand money,Checkthislist ofcausesof minor
operating problemsyoucan correctyourself,
Refrigerator does not operate
o Maybe in defrostcyclewhen motor does notoperate for
about 30minutes,
o Temperaturecontrolin OFFposition.
o If interiorlight isnoton,refrigerator may notbepluggedinat
wall outlet_
• If plugissecureand refrigerator failstooperate,plug lamp
intosame outlet todetermine if there istrippedcircuit breaker
or burned out fuse_
Motor operates for tong periods
o Modernrefrigerators withmore storage spaceand a larger
• Normalwhenrefrigerator isfirstdeliveredtoyour home--
usuallyrequires24hourstocompletely coo!down,
• Largeamountsoffoodplacedinrefrigerator tobe cooledor
eHot weather--frequent dooropenings.
• Door left open.
• Temperaturecontrols settoo cold_Seepage4_
oCondenserneedscleaning. Refertopage 13_
• CheckENERGY_S,_VINGTIPSon page4_
Operating sounds
QThehigh speedcompressormotor required tomaintain near
zerotemperatures inthelarge freezercompartment may
producehigher soundlevelsthanyour old refrigerator,
o Normalfanair flow--one fan blowscold air throughthe
refrigerator and freezer compartments--another fancools the
oTheseNORMALsoundswill alsobe heard fromtime to time:
oDefrosttimer switch clicksat defrost_
• Defrostwater dripping.
• Temperaturecontrolclicks ONor OFE
oRefrigerantboiling or gurgling_
oCrackingor pppoingof cooling coilscausedbyexpansion and
contraction during defrost and refrigeration to|lowingdefrosL
oIcecubesdropping intothebin andwater running in pipesas
Motor starts & stopsfrequently
oTemperaturecontrol startsandstopsmotor tomaintain even
Door not closingproperly
o Doorgasketonhinge side sticking or foldingoven Tocorrect,
puta small amount of petroleum jelly on faceof gasket_
Vibration or rattling
• If refrigerator vibrates,morethan likely itisnot resting
solidly on thefloor_Thefront roller screwsneed adjusting, or
floor is weak or uneven_Refertopage3,
• If dishesvibrate on shelves,try moving them_Slightvibration
Foodsdry out
• Foodsnot covered,wrapped or sealedproperly_
Freshfood or freezer compartment temperature too
• Temperaturecontrol not setcold enough°Refertopage 4,.
• Warm weather--frequent door openings.
• Doorleft open for long time,
• Packagemay be holding door open_
Frostor icecrystalson frozen food
• Doormay havebeen left ajar orpackageholding dooropen.
• Toofrequentortoolongdoor openings.
• Frostwithin packageisnormal.
Slow ice cubefreezing
• Doormay havebeen left ajar.
oTurntemperature offreezercompartment colder,
Ice cubeshave odorltaste
oOld cubesneed to be discarded Emptyicebin every 30days,
• Icestorage bin needsto be washed,
• Unsealedpackagesin refrigerator and/or freezer
compartments may be transmitting odor/taste toicecubes°
• Interiorof refrigerator needscleaning, Referto page 12.
Automatic icemaker doesnot work
* lcemakerfeeler armin OFF(up)position,
eFreezercompartment toowarm_
oCubestoosmall--water shutoffvalveconnectingrefrigerator
tohomewater linemay be clogged.
oSometimescubesfuseto thesideofthe icemold andhold the
feeler arm inthe OFF(up)position_Removethisiceto restart
* Piledupcubesinstoragebinmaycauseicemakertoshutoff
prematurely.Withicemakerfeelerarm inOFF(up)position,
level cubesinbinbyhand_
* Whenlevelingcubesbyhand,youmay havepushedthefeeler
arm intotheOFF(up) positionbymistake.