Before You Call for Service
Savetime and money Check this list of causes of minor
operating problems you can correct yourself.
Refrigerator does not operate
oMay be indefrostcycle when motordoesnot operatefor
about30 minutes°
• Temperature control in OFFposition.
• If interior light isnot on, refrigerator may not be plugged
in at wall outlet.
• If plug issecure and refrigerator fails tooperate, plug
lamp intosame outlet to determine if there istrippedcircuit
breakeror burned out fuse.
Motor operates for long periods
• Modernrefrigerators with more storagespace and a
larger freezer require more operatingtime,,
o Normal whenrefrigerator isfirst delivered to your home--
usuallyrequires 24 hours tocompletely cool down,
oLargeamounts offood placed inrefrigerator tobecooled
or frozen,,
oHot weather--frequent door openings,
• Doorleftopen,
• Temperaturecontrols set toocoldoSeepage 4,
• Condenserneeds cleaning, Refer to page 13,
Operating sounds
o Thehigh speed compressor motor required to maintain
near zero temperatures in the large freezer compartment
may producehigher soundlevels than yourold refrigerator.
• Normal fan air flow--one fan blowscold air through the
refrigerator and freezer compartments--another fancools
the compressor motor.
• TheseNORMALsounds will also be heard from time to time:
o Defrost timer switch clicks at defrost°
• Defrost water dripping.
• Temperature control clicks ON or OFF
• Refrigerant boiling or gurgling,
• Crackingor poppingof cooling coils causedby expansion
and contraction during defrost and refrigeration following
• Ice cubesdropping into the bin and water running in pipes
as icemaker refills.
Motor starts & stops frequently
* Temperaturecontrol starts and stopsmotor tomaintain
Door not closing properly
• Doorgasket on hingesidesticking or foldingove_Tocorrect,
put a small amount of petroleum jelly on face of gasket.
Vibration or rattling
• If refrigerator vibrates, more than likely it isnotresting
solidly on the floor.The frontroller screws needadiusting,
or floor isweak or unevem Referto page3_
• If dishesvibrate onshelves,try moving them_Slight
vibration isnormal
Foodsdry out
• Foodsnotcovered, wrapped or sealed properly.
Freshfood or freezer compartment temperature too
• Temperature control not set cold enough° Refer topage 4°
• Warm weather--frequent dooropenings.
• Package may be holding door open°
Frost or ice crystals on frozen food
• Door may have been left ajar or package holding door
gToofrequent or too long door openings,
• Frostwithin package is normal.
Slow ice cube freezing
• Doormay have been left ajar.
Settemperature of freezer compartment cotder.
ice cubes have odor/taste
• Old cubes need to be discarded.Emptyicebin every
30 days,
• Icestorage bin needs to be washed.
• Unsealed packages in refrigerator and/or freezer
compartments may be transmitting odor/taste to icecubes.
• Interior of refrigerator needs cleaning° Referto page t2,
Automatic icemaker does not work
• tcemakerfeeler arm in OFF(up) positiom
• Water supplyturned off or notconnected_
• Freezer compartment too warm_
• Cubestoo small--water shutoffvalve connecting
refrigerator to homewater line may beclogged°
• Sometimescubes fuse1othe side ofthe ice moldand hold
thefeeler arm inthe OFF(up) posltiomRemovethis iceto
restart the icemaker_
• Piled up cubes in storage bin may cause icemaker to shut
off prematurely.With icemakerfeeler arm inOFF (up)
position, level cubes in bin by hand.
• When leveling cubes by hand, you may have pushed the
feeler arm intotheOFF (up) position bymistake_