Before You Call for Service
Savetimeand money_Checkthislistof causesof minor
operatingproblemsyoucan correct yourself_
Refrigerator does not operate
• Maybeindefrostcyclewhen motordoesnotoperatefor
oTemperaturecontrol inOFFposition°
otf interiorlightisnoton, refrigerator may notbepluggedin at
wall outlet.
oif plugis secureand refri gerator failsto operate,pluglamp
intosameoutletto determineifthere istrippedcircuit breaker
or burnedoutfuse_
Motor operates for long periods
• Modernrefrigerators with morestoragespaceanda larger
freezerrequire moreoperatingtimer
oNormalwhenrefrigerator isfirstdeliveredto yourhome--
usuallyrequires 24hourstocompletely cooldown_
oLargeamountsoffoodplacedinrefrigerator to be cooledor
• Hotweather--frequent dooropenings_
• Doorleft open°
oTemperaturecontrolsset toocold. Seepage4.
oCondenserneedscleaning. Refertopage12_
Operating sounds
oThehighspeedcompressor motor required to maintainnear
zerotemperaturesinthe largefreezercompartment may
producehighersoundlevelsthanyour oldrefrigerator°
• Normalfanair flow--one fan blowscoldair throughthe
refrigerator and freezercomportments--another fan coolsthe
oTheseNORMALsoundswillalsobe heardfromtimeto time:
• Defrosttimer switch cricksat defrosk
eDefrostwater dripping.
• Temperaturecontrol clicks ON orOFF
• Refrigerantboiling or gurgling°
• Crackingor poppingofcooling coils causedbyexpansionand
contraction duringdefrostandrefrigeration followingdefrost,
• Icecubesdroppingintothebin andwater running inpipesas
icemaker refills°
Motor starts & stopsfrequently
• Temperaturecontrol startsandstopsmotorto maintaineven
Vibration or rattling
• If refrigerator vibrates,morethan likely itisnotresting
solidly onthe floor_Thefront roller screwsneedadjusting,or
floor isweak oruneven,Referto page3o
• if dishesvibrateonshelves,try movingthem.Slightvibration
oDefrostwater panrattling, needstobe positionedproperly,
Foodsdry out
• Foodsnotcovered,wrapped or sealed properly.
Freshfood or freezer compartment temperature too
oTemperaturecontrol notsetcold enough_Referto page4.
• Warmweather--frequent dooropenings,
• Doorleftopenforlongtimer
• Packagemaybeholding dooropen.
Frostor icecrystalson frozen food
a Doormayhave been leftajar or package holding dooropen,
* Toofrequentortoolongdooropenings,
o Frostwithinpackageis normal_
Slow ice cube freezing
• Doormay have been left ajar_
• Turntemperatureoffreezercompartment colder,
Ice cubeshave odor/taste
• Old cubesneedtobe discarded.Emptyicebin every 30days.
oIcestoragebinneedsto be washed_
• Unsealedpackagesinrefrigerator and/orfreezer
compartments maybetransmittingodor/tasteto icecubes,
oInteriorofrefrigerator needscleaning, Referto page12,
Automatic icemaker does not work
o Icemakerfeeler arm in OFF(up) position,
oWatersuppJyturnedoff ornotconnected°
* Freezercompartment toowarm.
* Cubestoosmall--water shutoffvalveconnecting refrigerator
to homewater linemay be clogged.
e Sometimescubesfuseto thesideof theice moldandholdthe
feeler arm inthe OFF(up) position.Removethisiceto restart
oPiledupcubesinstoragebinmay causeicemakertoshutoff
prematurely_Withicemakerfeeler arm inOFF(up)position,
level cubesinbin byhand_
eWhenreaching forcubes byhand,you may have pushedthe
feeler arm intotheOFF(up) positionbymistake.