• Noicecubes_Removestorage container,If cubes arefrozen
to wirearm, removecubes_
Noicecubes, kemaker or water supplyturned ofL
• Irregular iceclumps in storagecontainer_Break upas many
asyou canwith fingertip pressure and discardthe remaining
Moisture forms on outside of refrigerator
• Notunusualduring periodsof high humidity.
• MovePowerMiserSwitch totheright (see page4),
Moisture collectsinside
• Toofrequentortoo tongdoor openings.
• in humid weather, air carries moistureintorefrigerator when
doorsare opene&
Water on floor
• Defrostwater panfull, missingor not inposition,
Hot air from bottom of refrigerator
• Norma_air flowcooling motor_In therefrigeration process,
it isnormalthatheat be expelledinthe areaunderthe
refrigerator° Somefloorcoveringswill discolorat thesenormal
and safeoperatingtemperatures.Your floor covering supplier
shouldbeconsulted ifyou objectto thisdiscoloration°
Interior light does not work
Nopowerat outlet.
a Light bulb needsreplacing, Seepage13.
Refrigerator hasodor
o Foodwith strong odors shouldbe tightly covered°
• Checkfor spoiled food_
• Interior needscleaning. Refertopage 12,
• Defrostwater systemneeds cleaning.
Keepopen box of baking soda inrefrigerator; replace every
three months_
Water Filter Accessory
Youricecubescan only be asfresh-tasting asthe water that
producesthem°That'swhy it's a good ideato purify the water
witha water filter.
Thewaterfilter isan optional part at extra costand is available
fromyour SearsServiceCenter,OrderFilterNo.978488andit
maybeinstalledin minuteswhen attachedto the inletwater
Water Supply Accessory Kit
A water supplykit containing copper tubing,shut-offvalve,
fittingsandinstructionsneededto connectthe icemakertoyour
coldwater lineisalsoavailable from your SearsstoreorSears
Moving Precautions
Disconnectthe powercord fromthewall outlet,removeall food
and clean anddr'!the interior, Secureall loose itemsbytaping
them securely in place, Keeptherefrigerator in an upright
position duringactualmoving andin the van. Securethe
refrigerator in the van to preventmovement,and protect the
outsidewith ablanket,.
Vacation Precautions
Forextended vocations or absences, shut offpowertothe
refrigerator, turnthenumberedcontrol to theOFFposition,
andcleonthe interiorwith a baking sodasolution of one
tablespoonofsodato onequartofwater_Wipedry_Toprevent
odors,leavean openboxof sodain the refrigerator° Leavethe
doors open.
Forshorter vacations, removeperishablefoodsandleave
controlsat their regular settings.However,if roomtemperature
isexpectedto dropbelow 60°F_,followthesameinstructionsas
forextended vacations.
Seticemakertothe OFF(up) position andshut off watersupply
to refrigerator_