[ Ingredients ]
600 g Rose Fish Fillet
250 g Leeks
50 g Onion
100 g Carrot
1 tbsp. Butter
Salt, pepper and nutmeg
2 tbsp. Lemon juice
125 g Crème fraîche
100 g Grated Gouda (45% fat)
1. Wash the leeks and divide in 2 parts from top to bottom. Cut into thin
2. Peel the onions and carrots and cut into thin strips.
3. Put the vegetables, butter and spices into a casserole dish and mix well.
Cook on the oven fl oor (position 1) for 5-6 minutes on 100P microwave
power. Stir once in-between cooking.
4. In the meantime wash the fi sh fi llet, dry and sprinkle with lemon juice
and salt.
5. Mix the Crème fraîche under the vegetables and season again.
6. Put half of the vegetables in a round gratin dish (25 cm). Place the fi sh on
top and cover with the remaining vegetables. Spread over the Gouda.
7. Place the gratin dish into the glass tray in lower position (position 2).
Press the AUTO GRILL MENUS key 3 times until AG3 appears in
the display and then enter the weight (1,2 kg). Press START/ AUTO
AG3 Fish Gratin
Creamy fi sh and vegetable gratin
[ Ingredients ]
500 g Rose Fish Fillet
2 tbsp. Lemon juice
1 tbsp. Butter
2 tbsp Flour
300 ml Milk
Chopped dill, pepper and salt
250 g Frozen broccoli
100 g Grated Gouda (45% fat)
1. Wash the fi sh fi llet and dry. Sprinkle with lemon juice and salt.
2. Heat together butter and fl our in a casserole dish without cover on the
oven fl oor (position 1) for 1-1
mins on 100P microwave power.
3. Add the milk and stir well. Cook again without cover on the oven fl oor
(position 1) for 3-4 minutes on 100P microwave power. After cooking stir
and season with dill, salt and pepper.
4. Defrost the broccoli in a casserole dish on the oven fl oor (position 1) for
4-6 mins on 100P microwave power. Once defrosted, place the broccoli
into a round gratin dish (25 cm) and put the fi sh on top and season.
5. Pour the sauce over and sprinkle over the cheese.
6. Place the gratin dish into the glass tray in lower position (position 2).
Press the AUTO GRILL MENUS key 3 times until AG3 appears in
the display and then enter the weight (1,1 kg). Press START/ AUTO
AG3 Fish Gratin
Fish gratin with broccoli
[ Utensils ]
Wooden skewers (about 25cm long)
[ Ingredients ]
400 g Pork cutlets
100 g Bacon
2 Onions (100 g), quartered
Tomatoes (250 g), quartered
Green peppers (100 g),
cut into eight segments
3 tbsps Oil
4 tsps Paprika
1 tsp Cayenne pepper
1 tsp Worcester sauce
1. Cut the pork cutlets and bacon into 2-3 cm large dices.
2. Alternate meat and vegetables and place onto the four wooden sticks.
3. Mix the oil with the seasonings, and brush skewers. Place the skewers on
the rack in the glass tray in lower position (position 2). Press the AUTO
GRILL MENUS key 4 times until AG4 appears in the display and then
enter the weight (0,8kg) Press START/AUTO MINUTE. When the oven
stops and the audible signals sound, turn the skewers over.
4. After cooking, stand for about 2 minutes.
AG4 Grilled Skewer
Pork kebabs
These indications are for 1,2 kg (1,1 kg). If you want to cook other weight, you have to adjust the ingredients.
These indications are for 0.8 kg. If you want to cook other weight, you have to adjust the ingredients.