Sharp R9H66 Microwave Oven User Manual

CompuDefrost automatically defrosts ground meat, chicken
pieces, steaks, chops, whole chicken and roasts.
* Suppose you want to defrosta 2_0Ib,steak,
r Procedure Display
Round the weight to the nearest half pound,, (Ex. if the
steak's actual weight is 2.2 Ibs. round to 2_0 IbsoIf the
steak's weight is 2.4 Ibs. round to 2.5 lbs.)
To enter weight, touch the COMPU DEFROST pad for
a .5 lb. increase per touch. (Ex. touch four times for 2°0
1 [ c°_Pu Ix4
L i_1
Quickly touch COMPU DEFROST 4 times for 2..0
Ibs. because the oven starts automatically..
The oven wilt stop and directions will be displayed..
Follow the indicated message,.
After the 1st stage, open the
Turn steak over and shield
any warm portions° Close
the door.
Touch START pad..
After'the 2nd stage, open
the door. Shield any warm
portions. Close the door.
Touch START pad.
4 After cooking _
If you attempt to enter more or less than the allowed amount
(0_5-6.0 Ibs.) _ will appear in the display_
CompuDefrost can be programmed with More or Less Time
Adjustment. See page 21.
1. You may choose to enter the weight in tenths of pounds.
This procedure may be easier with larger weights such as
4 pounds because it requires fewer touches. To program,
touch COMPU DEFROST and enter weight by touching
the number pads. Example: touch COMPU DEFROST
then 4 and 0 for a weight of four pounds.
2,. When weight is less than 0_6 pounds, the oven will stop
only once for checking.
3.. To defrost other foods or foods above or below the
weights allowed on CompuDefrost Chart, use time and
30% power. See Manuat Defrost on page t5.,
Roast beef
2..5-6_0 Ibs.. Start with fat side up._
After each stage of defrost cycle, tum over and shield the warm portions witl"
aluminum foil.
Stand, covered 30-60 minutes.
0.5-4..0 Ibs After each stage of defrost cycle, rearrange and if there are warm or thawed portions,
shield with smatl fiat pieces of aluminum foil. Remove any that are nearly defrosted.
Stand, covered 10-15 minutes.,
0._5-30 ibs, Remove any thawed pieces after each stage.
Stand, 5-10 minutes,,
2.5-6_0 Ibs. Remove giblets before freezing poultry. Start with breast side down..
After the 1st stage, turn over and shietd the warm portions with aluminum foil
After the 2nd stage, if there are warm portions, shield with aluminum foil.
Stand, covered 30-60 minutes.
0_5-3°0 Ibs_. After each stage of defrost cycle, if there are warm or thawed portions, rearrange or
remove, or shield with small flat pieces of aluminum foil,.
Stand, 10-15 minutes, j
Check foods when oven signals.. Afterfinal stage, small sections may stiUbe icy_Let stand to continue thawing Do not
defrost until all ice crystals are thawed,
Shielding roasts and steaks prevents cooking from occurring before the center of the food is defrosted. Use small
smooth strips ofaluminum foil to cover edges and thinner sections of the food_