Instant Sensor
- Dinner Plate
* Suppose you want to reheat a dinner plate of food_
Procedure Display
TouchD,NNER 3 Cr7
PLATE pad..
When sensor detects the vapor emitted from the food,
rema(nder of cooking time willappear (ex. remainder
of cooking time is 30 sect)
After cooking,. _ __
- Popcorn
* Suppose you want topopone regularsize bag of microwave
r Procedure Display
Place bag on over tumed 9" glass pie plate.
2 Touch POPCORN pad. _
_ A.ftercoeking. , ......... _ .......... ,
NOTE: Touch POPCORN pad twice for single size bags.
- Sensor Reheat
You can reheat many foods by touching just one pad_You
don't need to calculate cooking time or power level,,
* Suppose you want to reheat canned chUL
f Procedure Display
l When sensor detects
the vapor emitted from
the food, remainder of
cooking time will
appear (ex.,remainder
of cooking time is t
mino 30 sect)
wil) be displayed
I 7 i-_
t • --ILl
After cooking,
and _ will be
displayed repeatedly.
_, ,L,, ,,,, , ,, ,, , L, ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,
Open oven door' or touch STOP/CLEAR pad° The time of day
will reappear on the display_
NOTE: 1._Popcom, Dinner' Plate and Sensor Reheat can
only be programmed within 1 minute after
cooking, closing the door or touching the STOP/
CLEAR pad°
2. Dinner plate, Popcorn and Sensor Reheat can
be programmed with More or Less time
Adjustment See page 21 ..
Instant Sensor Chart
C Food
Sensor Reheat
Leftoverssuch asrice,
Canned entrees and
4-32 oz..
4-16 oz._
Place in dish or casserole slightly larger than amount to be reheated
Flatten, if possible, Cover with lid, plastic wrap or wax paper° Use covers
such as plastic wrap or lidswith larger quantities of more dense foods such
as stews,,After reheating, stir weU, ifpossible_ Foods should be very hot If
not, continue to heat withvariable power and time, After stirring, recover and
allow to stand 5 minutes,,
Use Less Time Adjustment by touching Power Level pad twice for smaU
quantities of canned vegetables_
Popcorn Only 1 package at a
3,0 - 3,5 oz. bag
1.5 -t_75 oz.bag
Use only popcorn packaged for microwave oven use_ Do not try to pop
unpopped kernels., Place an overturned 9" oven glass pie plate in center of
turntable., Place unfolded popcorn bag in center of overturned pie plate_
Touch POPCORN pad once.
This setting works well with most 35 ozoor regular size bags of microwave
Try several brands to decide which is most acceptable for your taste..
Touch POPCORN pad twice within 2 seconds and note _ in the
Dinner Plate
1 plate
(3-6 oz meat plus
vegetables and/or
Use this pad to reheat precooked foods from the refrigerator. Place meaty
portions and bulky vegetables to outside of plate_Cut large items like baked
potatoes in smaller-pieces.. Flatten foods such as mashed potatoes and
other dense foods. Cover with wax paper or plastic wrap.
After cooking, check that food is very hot throughout and that the bottom
center of the plate is very hoL Ifnot, continue heating using time and power
level. Allow to stand, covered, 2 to 3 minutes...,