- 11 -
TThhee aapppplliiaannccee ddooeessnn''tt wwoorrkk
• Is there possibly a power failure?
• Is the plug sitting firmly in the mains power socket?
• Is the circuit-breaker turned on in the residence?
• Is the power cable damaged?
this only after you have removed the plug!
• Is the appliance possibly standing in direct sunlight
or close to a source of heat?
TThhee iinnssiiddee tteemmppeerraattuurree ddooeess nnoott ssiinnkk ddeeeepp eennoouugghh
• Is the door is properly closed?
• Is the appliance possibly standing in direct sun-
light or close to a source of heat?
• Is the temperature regulator 5 correctly set?
• Did you leave enough space around the appliance
when setting it up ?
hhee iinnssiiddee tteemmppeerraattuurree iiss ttoooo llooww
• Is the temperature regulator 5 correctly set?
• Is the "Super Freeze" function activated?
TThhee aapppplliiaannccee ggeenneerraatteess ccoonnssiiddeerraabbllee nnooiissee
• Have you set the appliance up correctly according
to these instructions?
• Does the appliance vibrate or does it hit on the
back somewhere?
• The sounds described in the chapter "Operating
noises" are harmless.
SSttrroonngg iiccee ffoorrmma
attiioonn oonn tthhee iinnssiiddee
• Is the door is properly closed?
• Check that the door seal is clean.
• Is possibly some stored food preventing the
correct closing of the door?
• Is the door being opened too often?
TThhee ccoommpprreessssoorr rruunnss ccoonnttiinnuuoouussllyy
• Is the door is properly closed?
• Have you just frozen large quantities of food?
If yes, please allow the appliance a few hours
to regain the desired cooling temperature.
• Is the door being opened too often?
• Is the "Super Freeze" function activated?
CCoonnddeennssaattiioonn ffoorrmmss oonn tthhee ffrreeeezzeerr iinntteer
riioorr ssuurrffaacceess
• Is the weather particularly hot or humid? This can
cause increased condensation.
• Has the door been left open?
• Was the door opened very often or allowed to
stand open for an extended period?
CCoonnddeennssaattiioonn ffoorrmmss oonn tthhee ffrreeeezzeerr eexxtteerriioorr ssuurrffaacceess
• Is there especially high humidity at present? This
can cause increased condensation on the exterior
surfaces. As soon as the humidity decreases, the
condensation will disappear.
IItt ssmmeellllss uunnpplleeaassaanntt iinn tthhee f
frreeeezzeerr iinntteerriioorr
• Does the interior need to be cleaned?
• Are perhaps packaging materials causing the
Information about the refrigerant
This appliance contains the refrigerant Isobutane
(R600a). Isobutane is a naturally occurring, low-
polluting gas. Nevertheless, caution is advised, be-
cause Isobutane is a flammable gas. Therefore, you
must make sure that the pipes of the cooling circuit
cannot be damaged. Should it ever happen, you
must avoid sparks and open flames. Do not smoke!
Carefully ventilate the room!
Please contact the Service Hotline in conjunction
with this.
IB_STG 85 A1_49364_LB3C 12.04.2010 13:10 Uhr Seite 11