Plug electrical cord into 120 volt, 60 cycle AC outlet.
2. Place can against front of drive wheel with top edge of can touching guide pin.
(See diagram A)
Push handle down and hold until the can lid is automatically pierced and the cutting
action begins. (See diagram B)
4. It is not necessary to hold the can opener handle down during the cutting cycle.
5. When can is fully opened, the cutting action will automatically stop. The can will
remain in position until the handle is raised. To release the can, grip the can firmly
in one hand and raise the handle with the other hand. (See diagram C) The
magnet will retain the lid.
Dented Cans
Occasionally, badly dented cans will cause the can opener to stall. If this happens,
grasp the dented can and guide it through the cutting action manually, until the
damaged areas are passed.
Jammed Cans
To open a can that has become jammed, raise the can opener lever and release the
can. Begin the cutting action again in a new place on the can lip.