Place the pastry base in the preheated pie
maker and carefully press into the base.
See Figure 4.
Caution: Only touch the pastry as the pie
maker will be very hot.
Adding the filling.
Any ingredients you have in your kitchen,
left-overs and canned food make tempting
pie fillings.
Pre-cook your pie fillings, particularly if
using fresh meat or vegetable ingredients.
Ingredients such as fruit and canned food
can be used without pre-cooking.
Ensure all ingredients are cut into small and
even pieces to allow them to heat through.
Note: Do not use liquid ingredients such as
sauces, gravies and custard on their own or
in large amounts, as they will overflow and
make the pastry soggy. Always combine with
solid ingredients.
Spoon your pre-cooked filling into the pastry
base. As a general rule, use ¹/
cup of filling,
per pie. Do not overfill your pies.
For more recipes see “101 Great Pie Ideas”
recipe booklet provided with your Sunbeam
Pie Magic 4.
Cooking the pies.
Place the pastry tops over the filling and
close the lid. Cook the pies for approximately
6 minutes. If you prefer extra browning, we
recommend you cook for 8 minutes.
Note: During cooking you may notice a
whistling sound. This is due to steam
escaping from the pies.
Remove your pies using a plastic utensil.
plates clean after making each pie.
Using left-over pastry.
Make more pies, garnishes and decorations
with the left-over pastry.
Lightly knead the left-over pieces into a ball
and roll out to approximately 3mm thick.
Hint: It is easier to roll pastry between 2
sheets of grease proof paper.
To make garnishes and decorations, cut the
pastry into any shape, such as leaves.
Place the shape on the pastry top before
closing the lid.
Note: It is recommended that only shortcrust
ready rolled pastry be re-rolled. Also,
keep the pastry covered to prevent drying
and cracking.
Making pies in your Sunbeam Pie Magic 4 continued
Figure 4