Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Thermal Conductivity Analyzer Model 212R
panel, are located immediately behind a hinged front access door. The analyzer
is suitable for installation in a sheltered non-hazardous area.
A recording and/or indicating device will be required to transduce the
electrical output signal into readable information.
2.1 Location.
The analyzer should be panel mounted in an upright position in an area that
is not exposed to the following conditions:
1. Direct sunlight.
2. Drafts of air.
3. Shock and vibration.
4. Temperatures other than that one would expect to see in
airconditioned, temperature controlled office of lab enviroment.
The 212R should not be mounted outdoors or subject temperature fluc-
tuations beyond 2 or 3 degrees.
The analyzer should be placed as close as possible, subject to the afore-
mentioned conditions, to the sample point.
Outline diagrams of both units will be found in the drawing section. After
the cutout has been made in the equipment panel TAI recommends that the
analyzer be used as a template to lay out the four mounting holes. Such a proce-
dure will compensate for sheet metal tolerance errors.
2.2 Electrical Requirements and Connections.
Provisions have been made to accommodate the three external circuit
connections required by the analyzer. Access holes on one side of the analyzer
case (see Outline Diagram) are provided for the installation of the conduit and
electrical wiring. All three customer connected circuits are to be terminated on
the barrier terminal strip identified “TS1”.
To install the conduit and wiring, the inner horizontally hinged panel must be
opened (to open the panel, turn the fastener screw at the top of the Panel a 1/4
turn ccw). While installing the conduit and wiring be careful not to disturb the
foam insulation lining the interior of the case anymore than is absolutely neces-