English 13
Specialty Cookware
Woks — Either flat-based or round-bottom woks with the
accessory ring can be used on all models. Round bottom
woks must be used with a support ring. The Wok pan and
the porcelain-coated cast iron wok support ring must be
purchased separately (PWOKRINGHC).
Canners and Stock Pots — Select one with a base
diameter that extends no more than 2” (51 mm) beyond the
Standard Size Water Bath Canner — 21 to 22 quarts
(19.95 to 20.9 liters), with an 11” to 12” base (279–305 mm)
and a 9” to 11” depth (229–279 mm).
Standard Size Pressure Canner — 8 to 22 quarts (7.6 to
20.9 liters), with an 8” to 11” base (203–279 mm) and a 6½”
to 12” depth (165–305mm).
Canning Tips:
• A flat base pan is preferred to one with a concave,
convex or rippled base.
• When using two canners at the same time, use
staggered burners. Do not block air to the burners. A
flame needs the right amount of air for complete
• Use a cover on a canner when bringing the contents to
a boil.
• Once the contents have reached a boil on HI, use the
lowest flame possible to maintain the boil or pressure.
• Canning produces a large amount of steam. Take
precautions to prevent burns.
Suggestions for Using the
Use the chart starting on page 14 as a guide. The settings
you use will vary depending on the pans selected and the
starting temperature of the food.
On the chart, the “Finish Setting” has been separated for
the Standard and ExtraLow
burners. There may
or may not be a change between the two burner settings.
The ExtraLow setting can be either a cooking or a holding
Raise or lower the flame setting gradually. Allow time for
the pan and the food to adjust to the new setting.
Figure 15: Flat-bottom Wok Pan
Figure 16: Round-Bottom Wok in Support Ring