S, SM, AND SMW Oven Error Code Messages…continued
Note 1 F1, F7 Errors are caused by a single loss of
communication between the control head and
the touch panel. Heat migrates to affect the
connector on the control head. The new main
power/relay board #35-00-760 has been
reprogrammed to keep the cooling fan on until
internal oven temperature is 300 degrees F.
Single Oven Control Head kit
Double Oven Control Head Kit
Main Power/relay board
Note 2 & 3 Check sensor by taking resistance reading from
molex plug on main relay board. A good sensor
will read approximately 1050 ohms at 75
degrees F. If out of tolerance by 100 ohms or
more replace. Take special care to be sure butt
spices are in the air channel in the back
and not
stuck in the insulation or against oven liner.
When checking sensor also check each lead to chassis ground
and to each phase of power line. If grounded or if voltage is
present, sensor may read a correct resistance as a loop, but still
produce errors. Check lead dress very carefully.