Where to Recommended Vacuum Normal Storage
LIQUIDS Store FoodSaver Packaged Life
Container Storage Life
vacuum packaging)
Oils (with no preservatives
such as safflower, canola,
Pantry Bottle Stopper 1 to 1
⁄2 years 5 to 6 months
corn oil)
Refrigerator Bottle Stopper 2 to 4 months 1 to 3 weeks
Where to Recommended Vacuum Normal Storage
DRY FOODS Store FoodSaver Packaged Life
Container Storage Life
vacuum packaging)
Rice/risotto, Pasta, FoodSaver Bag,
Beans, Grains
1 to 2 years 6 months
Food Preparation and Storage Guide
Preparation Guidelines for Bottled Liquids:
Leave at least one inch of room
between the contents and the
bottom of the bottle stopper before
vacuum packaging bottled liquids.
Preparation Guidelines for Dry Foods:
Before vacuum packaging dry foods
with sharp edges in a FoodSaver
bag, such as rice and pasta, wrap the
food in cushioning material, like a
paper towel. This will help protect
the FoodSaver Bag from punctures.
Where to Recommended Vacuum Normal Storage
SNACK FOODS Store FoodSaver Packaged Life
Container Storage Life
vacuum packaging)
Crackers, chips, cookies
Pantry Canister 3 to 6 weeks 1 to 2 weeks
Where to Recommended Vacuum Normal Storage
FOODS Store FoodSaver Packaged Life
Container Storage Life
vacuum packaging)
Flour/sugar, Dry milk,
Brown sugar,
FoodSaver Bag,
1 to 2 years 6 months
Dried coconut
Preparation Guidelines for Powdery Foods:
For best results when vacuum pack-
aging powdery foods in a FoodSaver
Bag, leave the item in its original
bag, then place that bag inside a
FoodSaver Bag. This keeps fine or
powdery food from being drawn
into the vacuum pump and helps to
guarantee a good seal.
Keep powdery foods fresh and pro-
tect them from insect infestation by
repackaging them with the Vac 550
after each use. You can open the
container and take what you need
for baking or cooking.
Preparation Guidelines for Snack Foods:
Keep snack foods fresh even if you
use them everyday by vacuum pack-
aging them with the Vac 550. Open
the canister, take what you need, then
repackage it to maintain freshness.
NOTE: Placing a box inside a FoodSaver Bag may puncture the bag. Therefore, it
is best to use the inner bag in which most powdery foods are generally packaged.