
SSuurrffaaccee CCooookkiinngg
CCooookkiinngg UUtteennssiillss
Each cook has his or her own preference for the particular
cooking utensils that are most appropriate for the type cooking being
done. Only certain types of glass, glass/ceramic, earthern ware, or
other glazed utensils are suitable for glass rangetop use without
breaking due to the sudden change in temperature. As with any
cookware, yours should be in good condition and free from excessive
dents on the bottom to provide maximum performance and
Using cast iron cookware on the glass rangetop is not recommended.
Cast iron retains heat and may result in rangetop damage
BBeeffoorree YYoouu UUssee YYoouurr NNeeww RRaannggeettoopp//RRaannggee
All products are wiped clean with solvents at the factory to remove any
visible signs of dirt, oil, and grease which may have remained from the
manufacturing process. Before starting to cook, clean the range
thoroughly with hot, soapy water.
GGllaassss RRaannggeettoopp
Clean your glass top before the first time you use it. A thorough
cleaning with a glass top cleaner is recommended. It only takes a
minute and puts a clean, shiny coating on the glass top before its initial
Before first use, wipe interior with soapy water and dry
CCooookkiinngg UUtteennssiill GGuuiiddeelliinneess
TTyyppee RReessppoonnssee ttoo tteemmpp.. RReeccoommmmeennddeedd UUssaaggee
Aluminum Heats and cools quickly Frying, Braising, Roasting
May leave metal
markings on rangetop
Cast Iron Heats and cools quickly Not recommended.
Retains excessive heat
and may damage
Copper, Heats and cools quickly Gourmet cooking, wine
tin lined sauces, egg dishes.
Enamelware Response depends on base Not recommended.
metal Heats too slowly.
Imperfections in enamel
may scratch rangetop.
Glass Ceramic Heats and cools slowly Not recommended.
Heats too slowly.
Imperfections in glass
may scratch rangetop.
Stainless Steel Heats and cools at moderate Soups, sauces,
rate vegetables, general
OOppeerraattiinngg tthhee SSiinnggllee FFrroonntt oorr RReeaarr EElleemmeenntt
Push in and turn the control knob counterclockwise to the desired
setting. The element will cycle on and off to maintain the desired heat
setting. When finished, turn all controls to OFF.
OOppeerraattiinngg tthhee RReeaarr aanndd BBrriiddggee EElleemmeenntt
Push in and turn the right rear control knob clockwise to the desired
setting. The rear element and the bridge element will cycle on and off
to maintain the desired heat setting. When finished, turn all controls
HHoott SSuurrffaaccee IInnd
diiccaattoorr LLiigghhttss
The range has four hot surface indicator lights. They are located in the
center of the glass rangetop. The hot surface indicator light will glow
red when the corresponding element is turned on. The light will
remain on after turning off the control knob until the corresponding
element has cooled to a safe temperature.