Viking F20974 Microwave Oven User Manual

Getting Started
• microwave-safepaperplates
• microwave-safepottery,stonewareandporcelain
• browningdish(Donotexceedrecommendedpreheatingtime.
Follow manufacturer’s directions.)
These items can be used for short time reheating of foods that have
little fat or sugar in them:
• wood,straw,wicker
• metalpansandbakeware(cookiesheets/browniepans)
• disheswithmetallictrim
• non-heat-resistantglass
• non-microwave-safeplastics(margarinetubs)
• recycledpaperproducts
• brownpaperbags
• foodstoragebags
• metaltwist-ties
Should you wish to check if a dish is safe for microwaving, place the
empty dish in the oven and microwave on HIGH for 30 seconds. A dish
which becomes very hot should not be used.
The following coverings are ideal:
• Papertowelsaregoodforcoveringfoodsforreheatingand
absorbing fat while cooking bacon.
• Waxpapercanbeusedforcookingandreheating.
• Plasticwrapthatisspeciallymarkedformicrowaveusecanbe
used for cooking and reheating. DO NOT allow plastic wrap to
touch food. Vent so steam can escape.
• Lidsthataremicrowave-safeareagoodchoicebecauseheatis
kept near the food to hasten cooking.
• Ovencookingbagsaregoodforlargemeatsorfoodsthat
need tenderizing. DO NOT use metal twist ties. Remember to
slit bag so steam can escape.
How to use aluminum foil in your Built-in Microwave Hood:
• Smallatpiecesofaluminumfoilplacedsmoothlyonthefood
can be used to shield areas that are either defrosting or cooking
too quickly.
• Foilshouldnotcomecloserthanoneinchtoanysurfaceofthe
Built-in Microwave Hood.
IMPORTANTPlease Read and Follow