Viking F1213F Trash Compactor User Manual

Special Use Tips
-Your compactor is designed to handle most dry trash. The compactor
is not a substitute for a food waste disposer. We urge you to continue
to dispose of garbage through a food waste disposer. Most food
waste will sour and become odorous when held at room temperature.
-Liquid or messy items should be wrapped ina newspaper or several
thicknesses of paper toweling to help keep the ram and Break-Away
basket clean.
-More trash can be compacted if you stop the ram in the “down”
position and allow it to dwell there overnight. This will result in
heavier bags of compacted trash.
-Place glass bottles on their side in the center for compacting rather
than upright. Bottles and cans may nest in lightly compacted paper.
When sufficient load is accumulated, most will be crushed. However,
due to the resiliency of paper, some bottles may not break. Don’t be
alarmed by the popping noise made when bottles are crushed. This is
normal and will not damage compactor. Placing a newspaper over
bottles before compacting will help muffle noise.
-Trimmings from cleaning fish or chicken
-Grapefruit or cantaloupe rinds
-Paint, oil, gasoline or turpentine cans or rags which have been used
with these materials
-Aerosol cans
-Insecticide, toxic or caustic containers
-Wood scraps, rocks, solid metal or large quantities of newspaper.
These items are already in their compacted form.
DDoo nnoott ccoommppaacctt ccoonnttaaiinneerrss ooff ffllaammmmaabbllee oorr t
tooxxiicc mmaatteerriiaallss oorr aaeerroossooll ccaannss..
Vacation Care
-If you are planning a weekend vacation, you may not want to remove
compacted trash if basket is not full. We recommend you simply lock
the compactor. On your return, you may wish to run the charcoal air
filter for a short time before opening the drawer.
-If you are planning to be away for more than a weekend, we
recommend that you remove and discard the compacted trash,
replace basket and lock the compactor. Before running a compaction
check that no item has been mistakenly placed in the
trash drawer.
Caring for Your Compactor
BBuuiilltt--iinn SSmmaallll LLiitttteerr DDoooorr aanndd AArreeaa::
Wipe clean with a cloth or sponge and a mild detergent or ammonia
and water. Rinse with clear water and dry. Do not use abrasive or
harsh cleaners.
BBrreeaakk--AAwwaayy TTrraasshh BBaasskkeett
Clean as necessary after emptying compacted trash. Wearing rubber
gloves and using paper towels, remove any small pieces of debris from
basket such as crushed glass.
Light soil may be wiped away with a damp sponge or cloth. Heavy soil
may require use of mild detergent and water. Rinse with clear water
and dry.
Clean as necessary. Wearing rubber gloves and using paper towels,
remove any small pieces of debris from ram, such as paper or crushed
Light soil may be
wiped clean with a cloth and mild detergent and water. Heavy soil may
require the use of a dampened scouring pad. Rinse with clear water
and dry.
MMeettaall DDrraawweerr LLiinneerr::
Clean as necessary using a cloth or sponge and mild detergent and
water. Rinse with clear water and dry. Do not use abrasive cleaners.
MMeettaall DDrraawweerr::
Occasionally the drawer latch rod and slide hood located on both sides
of the drawer opening should be lubricated. This will prevent the door
latch from squeaking or sticking and help insure and extend the life of
the latch mechanism. We suggest soap or a solid stick lubricant which
can be purchased at auto supply or hardware stores.
MMeettaall DDrraawweerr::
Occasionally check the area behind the trash drawer and remove any
small pieces of trash. Placing a folded newspaper on top of trash will
help prevent small items from sticking to the ram and falling behind the