VULCAN-HART F-31233 Rev. F (January 2008)
1. Follow filtering instructions 1-3, however do not put oil treatment media into the fryer. Drain
the fryer oil into the filter pan.
2. Attach the quick disconnect hose to the discard male quick disconnect fitting, (hose not
supplied with fryer – Accessory Option).
3. Place other end of the discard hose into a container that is large enough to retain the
discarded shortening.
4. To start the discard operation, turn Power Switch ON.
5. Pull the Yellow Discard Handle Lever Rod towards you and the Motor/Pump will begin to
operate. NOTE: Oil will come out immediately out of the nozzle end of the hose.
6. Once the oil has been discarded completely and the filter pan is empty, push the Discard
Lever back in. The Motor/Pump will stop and turn the Power Switch OFF.
7. Disconnect the discard hose. Be careful to let the hose drain before putting away. Close the
drain valve and fill the fry tank with new oil.
Use the Boil Out By-Pass™ drain extension allowing the boil
out solution to exit the fry tank without using the filtering
system. Do NOT allow water to run through the motor / pump.
Drain the boil out solution into a bucket or place a hose on the
end of the drain extension allowing the other end to flow into a
floor drain. In Fig. 6 the arrow is pointing to the drain
extension. It is threaded into the top coupling of the oil drain
tube. Drain extension needs to be only hand tightened.
Fig. 6