VCH & VRT SERIES OVENS F-41162 (03-14)
down the connective tissue that is
inherent in all red meat products.
The hold cycle allows this natural
tenderization process to proceed in an
orderly manner. As long as the internal
temperature of the meat does not
exceed 140⁰F, the process will continue.
Once the temperature reaches 140⁰F
the process will stop, because the
enzymes will be deactivated.
This tenderization process makes the
meat more flavorful. It is similar to aging
meat before it is sold. The longer the
hold, the higher degree of tenderization.
Each hour of holding is equal to one
day of aging.
The Vulcan VRT Model is also a
“Rethermalization Oven System.” The
VRT Model is specifically designed to
retherm chilled/thawed food product as
well as prepared frozen food products
either in bulk or individually wrapped
and sealed packages.
Superior Results: Low temperature
roasting has been recognized as the
best method for preparing meat and
poultry because of increased
tenderness, more even roasting, and a
juicer product.
Increased Sales: You will attract more
customers and have more repeat
business because you are now
producing a superior product in your
market area. All of your products will be
unique, from prime rib and chicken to
BBQ ribs, pork roasts, and even bakery
Reduced Energy Costs: It costs
significantly less to run a Vulcan Cook &
hold Oven instead of a conventional
oven. Also, in most areas, no exhaust
hood is needed.
Reduced Shrinkage of Product: You
can cut your percent of shrinkage from
25 to 30% down to 5 to 10%. This
means more servings to sell to your
customers! The Vulcan Cook & Hold
Oven can pay for itself in just months,
depending on your volume.
Reduced Labor Cost: Your cooks do
not have to come in early to put roasts
in or stay late to take them out of the
oven. Holding banquet foods in a
Vulcan Cook & Hold Oven reduces that
last minute party prep to almost nothing.