Wachsmuth & Krogmann RC-3 Rice Cooker User Manual

Allow the appliance to cool completely before storing. Store the appliance in a dry location.
Do not place any heavy items on top of appliance during storage as this may result in
possible damage of appliance. Store the cord in a clean, dry location away from metal
objects. Always check the plug before use to assure metal items have not become
attached. Never wrap cord tightly around the appliance. Do not put any stress on the
cord where it enters the unit, as it could cause the cord to fray and break.
Question Answer
How long does it take for rice to cook in
my Rice Cooker?
About one-half hour is required to cook a
full pot of rice. Test times ranged between
33 and 36 minutes. This applies to both
brown rice and white rice.
After rice is cooked, how long does the
Rice Cooker need to be kept in the warm
After rice is cooked, it must be kept in the
warm position for 15 minutes.
How much water should I use with my rice
cooker with different types of rice?
Type of Rice: Cups of Water Ratios:
Oriental/Soft Rice: 2 Cups of Water,
1 Cup of Rice
Basmati/Indian Firm Rice: 1.5 Cups
of Water, 1 Cup of Rice
Brown Rice Varieties: 2 Cups & 2
Tablespoons Water, 1 Cup Rice
What are some Hints for best results in my
rice cooker?
For best results, do not open the unit
immediately after the cooking cycle has
completed. The rice should be allowed to
settle for several minutes before serving.
Stir the rice thoroughly before serving.
For softer rice, allow the rice and water to
soak in the inner pot for 10 to 20 minutes
before cooking.
Do NOT use metal utensils or sharp objects
as this will damage the non-stick coating of
the inner pot.
Do not warm up the rice again after the
unit has been unplugged.