Before you start.. .
Proper !nstallatIon 1s your
respons~b~l~:y A quaIlfled
technicIan should install this
wen Make sure you have
evefyih,ng necessary for
-slc!‘oi~on It IS the
~escons~bi!Sty of the instal!er to
con-cly w:h the insia~lat~on
c’earance specif,ed on i?e
ser,cl;rctlng plate The serlcl:
:c:lng plate CCII- be found
behInd the upper oven door
cn tne we7 frame
Eleclr~col ground IS
recured See ‘Elec:rico!
reawements .
Note: Cleoronces
specified are lo!
combustible walls ana
malerlals that hove a
density of 20 or more
pounds per cubic iOOl NC
evaluation of cleaiances
has been made for
ms10lla:1ons adjacent to
materials that are less
than 20 oounds aer cubic
foot or to plasW tiles and
Check N~~~t~on where the
Couble oven v/ill be installed
The location should be away
from strona draft areas. such as
and stro”g
heating vents or fans The
couble oven should be
located for convenierr use r
the kitchen
me open lower oven 0001
t%gh: The contac: wfoce t%gh: The contac: wfoce
must be solid and level and must be solid and level and
flush wth the bottom of the flush wth the bottom of the
come: opening come: opening
Cablnel opening dimensions
ihot ore shown must be used
Given dimensions provide 0
clecrance Dimensions g:ven
are for a double oven sP*ing on
a contact surface 2-314 below
Important: observe
all governing codes
and ordinances.
The recessed installation orea
n-us: q,ov,de complete
emosure around the recesses
~?crt~on of tre oven
Copies of the standards listed may
be obtained from:
’ National Fire Protection Asscclatlon
Battery March Park
Quincy, Massachusetts 02169
A three-wire or four-wire.
n slnale chase. 120/240-volt.
&Hz. AC o$. klectrical supply (or
three-wire or four-wire, 120/208-volt if
specified on the nameplate) Is
required on a separatd. d@ompere
clrcult, fused on both sides of the
line. ITIme-delav or circuit breaker Is
Electrical Shock Hazard
It is Ihe customer’s responsibility:
To contact a qualilled electrical
To assure thot the electrical
instollolion is adequate ond in
conformance with National
Electrical Code ANSI/NFPA 70.
lotest edItIon*, and all local
codes and ordinances.
Failure to do so could result in fire,
electrical shock or other person01
Tools needed for
The fuse size must not exceed the
circuit rating of the appliance
specified on the serial/rating plate.
The serlal/ratlng plate Is located on
the cabinet behind the upper oven
Electrical ground is required on this
WIRE ONLY. Aluminum wire must Not
be used to avoid potentially
unsatlsfactofy connectlons.
Wire sizes (COPPER WIRE
n ONLY) and connections
must conform to the requirements of
the National Electrical Code ANSI!
NFPA 70-latest edition’, and all local
codes and ordinances for the
kilowatt rating of the oven.
Personal Injury/Product
Damage Hazard
. Do Not block oven vent.
Blocklng the vent could result in
Poor baking performance and
damage lo the cabinet.
Securely fasten oven lo cobinels
using the eight screws provided.
Failure lo do so could cause the
oven to move or lip during use
and result in personal injury or
product damage.
Eleclr~col Shock Hazard
Electrical ground is required on
this appliance.
Improper connection of the
conductor can result In o fire.
eleclricol shock or other
personal injury.
Check with a qualified
electrician if you ore in doubt as
to whether the appliance is
properly grounded.
Do Not use on extension cord
with this opplionce. Such use
may result in a fire, electrical
shock, or other personal injury.
Do Not have a fuse I” the neutral
or grounding clrcuil. This could
result in on eleclricol shock.
Save Inslallotion instructions for
Ihe local electrical inspector’s use.
The appliance should be
w connected directly to the
fused disconnect or circus breaker
box throuah flexible. armored or
non-metaiic shealhed copper cable
(with a grounding wire). The flexible.
armored cable extending from the
appliance should be connected
directly to the junction box.
Locate the junction box to
n allow as much slack as
Mobile home installation
The installation of this oven must
conform to the Manufactured Home
Construction and Safetv Standards.
Title 24 CFR, Part 3280 (formerly the
Federal Standard for Mobile Home
Construction and Safety. Title 24,
HUD. Part 280)
A four-wire, power supply cord must
be used in o mobile home
Installation. The appliance wiring will
need to be revised See “Electrical
requirements’. Figure 4, Panel B
Panel A
possible between the junction box
and the appliance so that the oven
can be moved if servicing is ever
necessary Do Not cut the conduit.