
Using the egg bin
The egg bin has three pieces - the lid, the egg
carrier, and the bin. Use the egg bin to hold
one, two or three dozen eggs.
To hold one dozen eggs:
Place a dozen eggs into the egg carrier. Then
place the egg carrier into the bin and cover
with the lid.
To hold two dozen eggs:
Place two dozen eggs loose in the bin and
cover them with the lid. Use the carrier to
transport eggs between the bin and your
cooking area.
To hold three dozen eggs:
Place two dozen eggs loose in the bin. Invert
the lid and place it on the bin. Place a dozen
eggs, in the carton, on top of the lid. Use the
carrier to transport eggs between the bin and
your cooking area.
Removing the crisper and crisper cover
To remove the crisper:
1. Slide the crisper straight out to the stop.
2. Lift the front slightly.
3. Slide out the rest of the way.
4. Replace in reverse order.
To remove the cover:
1. Hold cover firmly with both hands and lift
front of cover off supports.
2. Lift cover out by pulling up and out.
To replace the cover:
1. Fit back of cover into notch supports on
walls of refrigerator.
2. Lower front into place.
Pull out to the
stop, lift the front
/ and pull again.
Lift the cover
front, then
the back.