3. Turn the Cycle Control knob clockwise to
point to the desired cycle. See page 6 for
cycle descriptions.
You will feel a definite stop at each cycle
mark. The dishwasher will automatically
start the cycle you selected.
NOTE: If the door is latched, you will hear
cycles start and stop as the knob passes
each cycle mark. This is normal and will not
hurt the dishwasher. lf you prefer, you can
set cycles with the door unlatched.
Adding a dish during a cycle
(8000,8100 and 8400 series models)
You can add an additional item to the dishwasher anytime before the Cycle Control knob
reaches LIGHT WASH. See page 6.
1. Lii up on the door latch to unlatch the
3. Close
the door.
Do not latch it.
Wait 30
stop the cycle. Wait a moment
seconds for air in the dishwasher to warm
for the spray action to stop before open-
up. This helps reduce the amount of
ing the door.
moisture that can come from the vent
2. Open the door and add the dish.
when restarting the cycle.
4. Press door in to latch it. The dishwasher
will start where it stopped.
Changing a cycle setting
(8000,8100 and 8400 serles models)
You can change a setting anytime during any cycle.
1. Lii up on the door latch to unlatch the
Turning the Cycle Control knob
door and stop the cycle. may cause the covered section of the
2. Turn the Cycle Control knob clockwise to
detergent dispenser to open. Be sure to
the cycle you want.
fill the covered section, and close the
3. Check the detergent dispenser to be sure
cover, if the cycle uses detergent in both
it is properly filled for the new cycle. See
page 9.
4. Close and latch the door. The dishwasher
will automatically start the new cycle.
Canceling a cycle
You can cancel a cycle anytime during the cycle.
Turn the Cycle Control knob slowly
2. Let the dishwasher drain completely.
clockwise to the drain portion of the wash
3. Lii up on the door latch to unlatch the
or rinse. You will hear water draining
when you have advanced to the proper
4. Turn the Cycle Control knob clockwise to
point to OFF.