Whirlpool EM8GK Refrigerator User Manual

Mqd.elsiETlB~K, ET18kfM and .ETlBHK.
Install properly:
1. Allow 3 Inches (7.5 cm) between overhead
cabinets and refrigerator lop.
Allow at least an Inch (2.5 cm) between Ihe
refrigerator condenser on the back and Ihe wall
3. Allow % inch
cm) on each side of the
refrigerator for
of installallon.
4. If the refrigerator is to be against a wall, you
might want to leave extra space on Ihe hinge
side so the door can be opened wider.
5. If your refngeralor has an Ice maker. make sure
Ice maker waler supply has been connected.
Refer lo lnslallation Instructions.
Use screwdriver
Leveling screw
to adjust
Level refrigerator-freezer:
1. To raise front, lurn screw In dIrectIon shown.
2. To lower front. lurn screw in dIrectIon shown
Check with level
Right lo raise;
tell to lower