Whirlpool MG3090XAB Microwave Oven User Manual

If You Need Assistance
Or Service
This section is designed to help you save the cost of a service call. Part 1 of this section outlines
possible problems, their causes, and actions you can take to solve each problem. Parts 2 and 3 tell
you what to do if you still need assistance or service. When calling our Consumer Assistance
Center for help or calling for service, please provide a detailed description of the problem, your
appliance’s complete model and serial numbers and the purchase date. (See page 2.) This
information will help us respond properly to your request.
1. Before calling for assistance . . .
Performance problems often result from little things you can find and fix without tools of any kind.
Please check the chart below for problems you can fix. It could save you the cost of a service call.
Nothlng will
The power supply cord is not
Plug power supply cord into a live circuit
plugged into a live circuit with
with the proper voltage. (See pages 7
the proper voltage. and 9.)
A household fuse has blown or
Replace household fuse or reset circuit
a circuit breaker has tripped. breaker.
The electric company has Check electric company for a power
experienced a power failure. failure.
The mlcrowave
You are using the oven as a Touch CANCEL to cancel the Minute
oven will
not run
The door is not firmly closed Firmly close and latch door.
and latched.
You did not touch START. Touch START.
You did not follow directions Check instructions for the function you
are operating.
An operation that was pro-
Touch CANCEL to cancel previous
grammed earlier is still running. programming.
The electric supply to your
Your electric company can tell you if the
:ooklng times
home or wall outlets is low or line voltage is low. Your electrician or
seem too long
lower than normal.
service technician can tell you if the
outlet voltage is low.
The Cook Power is not at the Check “Microwave cooking chart” on
recommended setting.
page 43.
There is not enough cooking
Allow for more time when cooking more
time for the amount of food
food at one time.
being cooked.
be Display
The oven door is not closed
Completely close oven door.
shows a time
:ounting down
wt the oven Is
You have set the controls as a
Touch CANCEL to cancel the Minute
rot cooking
kitchen timer.
continued on next page