P.licrowave ovens are safe MIcrowave energy IS not hot It causes food +o
mc :YP :ts OWQ heat and its +hts heq! ttla? ,-ooks the food
Cerarnlc Bottom
:r:)vLilves 1 ‘6’ ‘#ht’ I i
ves or llgh’ wuves YUL
‘nicrowaiies I he mlcrowaves
move into the r!ven where
‘hey are scctlered or stirred
by a mode mixer [like a fan)
Vvlcrowcves boi;r:ce off
netal over. wal!s ancl are
lbsorberl bb twirl
Metal Floor
The ceramic bottom of your
n3icrowave oven lets micro-
waves through Then they
bounce off a metal floor,
back through the ceramic
bottom and are absorbed by
the food
i /
Mlcrowoves may not reach
The mlCrowaves dtsturb
the center of 3 roast The heat
water molecules In the food
around the outstde is what
As the molecules bounce
cooks the ro’as+ 1111 the way
around bumping Into each
through This is one of the
other heat IS made, like rub
reasons for IeWing some
bing your hands together
foods [roasts, baked pota-
This IS the heat that cooks
toes) stand for a while after
cooking or for sttrrlng some
foods during the cooklng time