popcorn mmaker is not heating

Asked by carlos mota on 07/14/2008 7  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years, 5 months ago

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5 Try taking the bottom of the kettle off, 2 acorn nuts, then follow the wiring down to the heating element. Peel back the thermal covering on the RED wire and disconnect it. Use an ohm meter to check continuity. If the wire does not show continuity it means the SFE FUSE 10A 240centigrade C0951 fuse needs replacing. The bad news is that I have no idea where to get one.
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5 Found the fuse through goodmans.net They are out of Florida. Spent $10 for 2 fuses (just in case) and 3 day shipping. Fixed it myself. Thanks for your help!
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1 kettle not heating....has proper voltage at cable that plugs into kettle
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0 Everything lights up but the kettle will not get hot!?!?!
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0 I can't seem to find the fuse. I disassembled most of the machine and nothing. I need help. Can anyone maybe upload a picture showing us where it's at?????
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0 I don't have a pic, but it is under the shortest rubber netted wiring cover. You have to slide it out from under the clamp and slide the wire cover off to find it. Hope this helps
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