To identify your network, click Next. The Edit
Configuration screen appears.
7. In the Network Name field, enter the word
2WIRE” followed by the last three digits of
your HomePortal serial number, located on the
bottom of your HomePortal. This is the
Wireless Network Name. The Wireless
Network Name is case-sensitive, so it is
important that you enter the word “
2WIRE” in
capital letters.
8. Click Next. In the Set Security field, check the
Enable Data Security checkbox. Verify that the
Use Hexadecimal (0-9, a-f, A-F) radio button is
9. In the Key field, enter your ten-digit Wireless
Encryption Key, located on the bottom of your
10. Verify that Key 1 is selected in the Encrypt data
with pull-down menu (this is the default).
11. To select a power management option, click
Next. The following screen appears.
12. Select the power management option that you
wish to use (the default is
Off), and click Next.