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HomePortal 3801HGV Gateway User Guide Configuring Broadband Settings
IGMP Robustness Time interval that the gateway waits for a report in response to a group-
specific query.
IGMP Query Interval Time interval at which the gateway sends membership queries when it is the
IGMP Query Response Interval Time interval that the gateway waits for a report in response to a general
IGMP Group Membership Interval Timeout period for group membership. If no report is received for these
groups before the timeout expires, the group membership is removed.
IGMP Startup Query Interval Amount of time in seconds between successive General Query messages
sent by a querier during startup.
IGMP Startup Query Count Number of general query messages sent at startup.
IGMP Last Member Query Interval Time interval that the gateway waits for a report in response to a group-
specific query.
IGMP Last Member Query Count Number of Group-Specific Query messages sent before the gateway assumes
that there are no members of the host group being queried on this interface.
IGMP Maximum Host Groups Maximum number of host group members.
IGMP Maximum Sources Maximum number of source-specific join and leave messages.
IGMP Query Count Number of membership queries sent and received.
IGMP Framing Errors Number of frame errors related to ARP, IP, and RARP.
IGMP Invalid Type Number of times gateway received Invalid IGMP Type message.
IGMP Allocation Failure Number of times gateway received Allocation Failure messages, such as
memory allocation failure, IP address allocation failure, and so on.
IGMP Host Group Exceeded Number of times host groups have exceeded in the message.
IGMP Sources Exceeded Number of times source addresses have exceeded in the message.
IGMP Other Querier Timeout period for group membership. If no report is received for these
groups before the timeout expires, the group membership is removed.
IGMP Membership Entries Number of group membership entries on an interface.
IGMP Total Received Messages Number of total messages received.
IGMP Received Short Messages Number of short messages received.
IGMP Bad Checksum Messages Number of messages received with a bad IP checksum.
IGMP Inquiry Messages Number of membership inquiry messages issued by the gateway.
IGMP Bad Inquiry Messages Number of membership inquiry messages issued by the gateway that were not
realized by this protocol.
IGMP Report Messages Number of report messages sent by the host to the members of the querying
IGMP Bad Report Messages Number of report messages that were sent by the host but were not realized
by the members of that group.
IGMP Own Group Report
Number of report messages sent by the host to the members of the same
IGMP Transmitted Reports Total number of IGMP reports transmitted by the gateway.
IGMP Group Entries Total number of group entries on an interface.
IGMP Cache Entries Total number of cache entries on an interface.
IGMP Group Interface Name Interface name of the IGMP group.
IGMP Group Interface Address IP address of the IGMP group interface.
IGMP Group Interface Reference
Number of processes belonging to the IGMP group interface.
IGMP Parameter Description