
Source Address — Indicates the source IP address.
Source Mask — Indicates the source IP address mask.
Destination Address — Indicates the destination IP address.
Destination Mask — Indicates the destination IP address mask.
DSCP — Matches the packet DSCP value to the ACL. Either the DSCP
value or the IP Precedence value is used to match packets to ACLs.
IP - Prec. — Indicates matching ip-precedence with the packet IP
precedence value.
Action — Indicates the ACL forwarding action. In addition, the port
can be shut down, a trap can be sent to the network administrator, or
packet is assigned rate limiting restrictions for forwarding. The options
are as follows:
Permit — Forwards packets which meet the ACL criteria.
Deny — Drops packets which meet the ACL criteria.
Shutdown — Drops packet that meets the ACL criteria, and
disables the port to which the packet was addressed. Ports are
reactivated from the
Port Administration Setup Page.
To remove an IP-based ACL:
1 Select an ACL Name to be removed.
2 Check Remove ACL.
3 Click . The selected ACL is deleted, and the device is updated.
To remove IP-based ACL rules:
1 Select an ACL Name.
2 For each rule to be removed, check the box to the left of the row in the
rules table. To remove all rules, the topmost box may be checked.
3 Click . The selected ACL rules are deleted, and the device is